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xwordgrinder - Man Page

Xlib-based word processor


wordgrinder [options] [filename]


xwordgrinder is a simple character cell word processor that runs on X11. It is primarily designed for text entry. It's designed to get the hell out of your way and let you write; it does very little, but what it does it does well.

It supports Unicode, basic paragraph styles, basic character styles, basic screen markup, a menu interface that means you don't have to remember complex key sequences, HTML import and export, and some other useful features.

When running, pressing ESC (or ALT + menu shortcut key) will open the menu.


These options follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-').

-h,  --help

Show summary of options.

--lua filename

Loads and executes a Lua file instead of starting normally.

--convert srcfile destfile

Converts from srcfile to destfile and then exits.

The type of the file is autodetected from the extension of the filename. The source file may have a document name suffixed with a : for use when importing or exporting WordGrinder files.

--config file.lua

Sets the name of the user config file.


The user config file is a Lua file which is loaded and executed before the program starts up. It defaults to:



wordgrinder was written by David Given.


0.8 Simple word processor for writing first drafts