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xml2ag - Man Page

XML to AutoGen Definiton Converter


xml2ag [-flags] [-flag [value]] [--option-name[[=| ]value]] [ <def-file> ]

This program will convert any arbitrary XML file into equivalent AutoGen definitions, and invoke AutoGen.


The template will be derived from either:
*  the --override-tpl command line option
*  a top level XML attribute named, "template"
One or the other must be provided, or the program will exit with a failure message.

The “base-name” for the output will similarly be either:
*  the --base-name command line option
*  the base name of the .xml file


All other options are derived from autogen

-O file, --output=file

Output file in lieu of AutoGen processing.

By default, the output is handed to an AutoGen for processing. However, you may save the definitions to a file instead.

All other options

These options are mostly just passed throug to autogen. The one exception is --override-tpl which replaces the default template in the output definitions.  It does not get passed through on the command line.

-L dir, --templ-dirs=dir

Search for templates in DIR. This option may appear an unlimited number of times.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-T tpl-file, --override-tpl=tpl-file

Use TPL-FILE for the template.

Pass-through AutoGen argument


Read definitions from FILE.

Pass-through AutoGen argument


name or path name of shell to use.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-m,  --no-fmemopen

Do not use in-mem streams.

Pass-through AutoGen argument


characters considered equivalent.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-b name, --base-name=name

Specify NAME as the base name for output.

Pass-through AutoGen argument


set mod times to latest source.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

--writable,  --not-writable

Allow output files to be writable. The not-writable form will disable the option.

Pass-through AutoGen argument


Limit on increment loops. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The value of lim is constrained to being:

exactly -1, or
in the range  1 through 0x1000000

The default lim for this option is:


Pass-through AutoGen argument

-t seconds, --timeout=seconds

Limit server shell operations to SECONDS. This option takes an integer number as its argument. The value of seconds is constrained to being:

in the range  0 through 3600

Pass-through AutoGen argument


tracing level of detail. This option takes a keyword as its argument.  The argument sets an enumeration value that can be tested by comparing them against the option value macro. The available keywords are:

nothing       debug-message server-shell
templates     block-macros  expressions

or their numeric equivalent.

The default level for this option is:


Pass-through AutoGen argument


tracing output file or filter.

Pass-through AutoGen argument


Show the definition tree.

Pass-through AutoGen argument


Show the definitions used.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-C,  --core

Leave a core dump on a failure exit.

Many systems default to a zero sized core limit.  If the system has the sys/resource.h header and if this option is supplied, then in the failure exit path, autogen will attempt to set the soft core limit to whatever the hard core limit is.  If that does not work, then an administrator must raise the hard core size limit.

-s suffix, --skip-suffix=suffix

Skip the file with this SUFFIX. This option may appear an unlimited number of times. This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options: select-suffix.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-o suffix, --select-suffix=suffix

specify this output suffix. This option may appear an unlimited number of times.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-D value, --define=value

name to add to definition list. This option may appear an unlimited number of times.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-U name-pat, --undefine=name-pat

definition list removal pattern. This option may appear an unlimited number of times.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-M type, --make-dep [type]

emit make dependency file. This option may appear an unlimited number of times.

Pass-through AutoGen argument

-?,  --help

Display usage information and exit.

-!,  --more-help

Pass the extended usage information through a pager.

-v [{v|c|n --version [{v|c|n}]}]

Output version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v', a simple version.  The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will print the full copyright notice.

Exit Status

One of the following exit values will be returned:


Successful program execution.


The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.


libopts had an internal operational error.  Please report it to autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net.  Thank you.


Bruce Korb


Please send bug reports to: autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net


This manual page was AutoGen-erated from the xml2ag option definitions.


23 Jan 2024 GNU AutoGen (5.18.16)