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xetex - Man Page

extended TeX with native support for Unicode, OpenType, system fonts

Examples (TL;DR)


xetex [options] [&format] [file|\commands]


XeT E X (xetex) is a T E X engine with native support for Unicode, OpenType, and system-installed fonts, using third-party libraries (such as ICU, HarfBuzz, and Freetype). It was developed by Jonathan Kew for SIL.

XeT E X includes the e-T E X extensions and many extensions from pdfT E X, sometimes with different primitive names.

XeT E X is now released as part of T E X Live <https://tug.org/texlive>.


XeT E X's handling of its command-line arguments is similar to that of the other T E X programs in the Web2C implementation. Here we list only additions/deletions of command line options which are specific to XeT E X; see etex(1) for common options. Additions:


Generate XeT E X's extended DVI (.xdv) output instead of pdf.

-output-driver cmd

Run cmd instead of xdvipdfmx to translate xdv to pdf.

-papersize string

Set pdf media size to string.

Removals: -draftmode, -enc, -ipc, -ipc-start, -translate-file.

See Also

tex(1), etex(1), latex(1).
Home page: <https://tug.org/xetex>
CTAN page: <https://ctan.org/pkg/xetex>
Reference manual: <https://ctan.org/pkg/xetexref>


XeT E X is maintained by Jonathan Kew and others.
Public discussion list: <http://lists.tug.org/xetex>
Bug reports: <http://sourceforge.net/p/xetex/bugs/>

This manual page was written by Karl Berry. It is released to the public domain.

Referenced By

dvipdfmx(1), latex(1).

10 July 2018 Web2C 2023