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wyse2psf - Man Page

convert a Wyse-60 soft font to a PC Screen Font file.


wyse2psf [--height=HEIGHT] [--width=WIDTH] [--codepage=CODEPAGE] [--psf1] [--psf2] [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]


wyse2psf converts a Wyse-60 soft-font (a sequence of Wyse-60 escape codes) to the .PSF format.



Specifies the character height of the resulting PSF. If this is omitted the  height of the tallest character in the soft font will be used.


Specifies the character width of the resulting PSF. If this is omitted 8 will be assumed.


Add a Unicode directory for the specified codepage, which can be identified by number or name. See psfpages(1) for a list of valid codepage names.


Force output in the PSF1 format.


Force output in the PSF2 format (default).

See Also

pat2sf(1), sf2pat(1), psf2wyse(1)


John Elliott <jce@seasip.demon.co.uk>.

Referenced By


21 June, 2008 Version 1.0.8 PSF Tools