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wwwget - Man Page


www (done) equest on HTTP
                   (Rev. February 2007)


wwwget [-v] [-s] [-m...] [-abs] [-post| -head|-get|-redirect] [-c name=value] [-p# prompt] [-q] [-D domain] [-F from ] [-U username] [-P password] [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-r range] [ -to secs] [URL|host[:port]] [query_argument]...


wwwget gets one or several HTTP document(s) directly on the  standard output. It avoids the usage of Netscape or similar browser.  When only the host is specified as a command-line argument,  documents relative to the host are assumed to be specified in the  standard input.


 is a verbose option (display number of bytes transferred)
 emulates Mozilla (insert in the message the  User-Agent, etc); the default version is 3.
 silent mode: the HTTP header is stripped. By default this  header (containing the status, Content-Type, etc), which is terminated  by a blank line, is displayed on the standard error.
 get the document in a POST method. The default is GET  method.
 get the document in a HEAD method (only the header). The default is GET method.
 use the default GET method to retrieve the document.
 generates a Redirect block instead of querying the  remote site. Essentially useful when associated with the -q  option.
 translates relative anchors to absolute ones, providing  therefore useable HTML files. This operation is similar to the wwwabs(1) program.
-c cookie
 to forward a cookie (in the form name =value)
-p[n] prompt
 to define the prompt text - a  text which indicates to stop the data. A number n may be  attached to the -p argument to indicate to stop at nth  occurence of the prompt.
 to indicate a query, i.e. the URL indicates only  a cgi script, and arguments to this script are given as query_argument supplementary arguments. When no supplementary query_argument appears on the command line, the arguments are  assumed to be in the input_file or the standard input, one  line per argument; in this input, lines starting by a blank (or a  tab) are considered as a continuation of the previous line. An  example is given below.
-F from
 specifies the From: string in the HTTP  protocol, typically used to propagate e-mails. This directorive is  used to propagate the origin of Aladin calls to VizieR.
-D domain
 specifies the domain name which is required in  the WWW-Authenticate context; the domain name is specified in  the WWW-Authenticate: answer from the HTTP server.
-U username
 specifies the username for documents requiring  an Authorization.
-P password
 specifies the password for documents requiring  an Authorization.
-i input_file
 specifies the input file, useful in the -query mode. Default input file is stdin.
-o output_file
 specifies the output file, containing the  results. Default output file is stdout.
-r range_of_bytes
 specifies a starting/ending point of the  document to get.
-to secs
 specifies a time-out in seconds between the  reception of 2 packets; the default is 1200 (20min).



When a full URL is specified, the document is located and displayed.


if only a hostname is supplied, document names are assumed to be  specified in the standard input; documents specified in the standard  input without hostname are then assumed to be relative to host.


when no document or host is specified, the standard input is assumed to contain fully qualified URLs.

Returned Status

wwwget returns 0 in case of success.

The code 1 is returned when there are invalid arguments, or  when the host could not be contacted.

The code 2 is returned when the contacted server indicates an  error (HTTP error code above 400).

HTTP Statuses

(from http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html)

  1. Informational 1xx


    100 Continue


    101 Switching Protocols

  2. Successful 2xx


    200 OK


    201 Created


    202 Accepted


    203 Non-Authoritative Information


    204 No Content


    205 Reset Content


    206 Partial Content

  3. Redirection 3xx


    300 Multiple Choices


    301 Moved Permanently


    302 Found


    303 See Other


    304 Not Modified


    305 Use Proxy


    306 (Unused)


    307 Temporary Redirect

  4. Client Error 4xx


    400 Bad Request


    401 Unauthorized


    402 Payment Required


    403 Forbidden


    404 Not Found


    405 Method Not Allowed


    406 Not Acceptable


    407 Proxy Authentication Required


    408 Request Timeout


    409 Conflict


    410 Gone


    411 Length Required


    412 Precondition Failed


    413 Request Entity Too Large


    414 Request-URI Too Long


    415 Unsupported Media Type


    416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable


    417 Expectation Failed

  5. Server Error 5xx


    500 Internal Server Error


    501 Not Implemented


    502 Bad Gateway


    503 Service Unavailable


    504 Gateway Timeout


    505 HTTP Version Not Supported


  1. Get the result of a query into a reuseable file:
    wwwget -strip -abs http://vizier/cgi-bin?-source=HIP > HIP.html
  2. Query vizier with arguments specified in the standard input:
    wwwget -strip  -q http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/asu-xml << ====ENDofQuery

which could also be called as:
wwwget -q http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/asu-xml -source=I/239/hip_main HIP=1..10 -out.all

or as
wwwget -q http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/asu-xml\?-source=I/239/hip_main HIP=1..10 -out.all

See Also

netscape(1) wwwabs(1)