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wsdl2h - Man Page

the gSOAP WSDL/WADL/XSD processor for C and C++


wsdl2h [Options] SOURCE ...


Converts a WSDL or XSD input file, or from an HTTP address, SOURCE to a declaration file that can be parsed by soapcpp2(1). If no SOURCE argument is specified, read from standard input.



Generate indexed struct names for local elements with anonymous types.


Bi-directional operations (duplex ops) added to serve one-way responses.


Generate C source code.


Generate C++ source code (default).


Generate C++11 source code.


Generate C++14 source code.


Generate C++17 source code.


Make attribute members with default/fixed values optional with pointers.


Use DOM to populate xs:any, xs:anyType and xs:anyAttribute.


Do not qualify enum names.


Add transient members to structs to simulate struct-type derivation in C.


Generate flat C++ class hierarchy by removing inheritance.


Generate global top-level element and attribute declarations.


Display help info and exit.


Use path to locate WSDL and XSD files.


Do not import (advanced option).


Do not generate SOAP_ENV__Header and SOAP_ENV__Detail definitions.


Do not generate SOAP_ENV__Header mustUnderstand qualifiers.


Generate less documentation by removing generic @note comments.


Display license information.


Suppress error "must understand element with wsdl:required='true'".


Use xsd.h module to import primitive types.


Use name for service prefixes to produce a service for each binding.


Use name as the base namespace prefix instead of ns.


Optimize by omitting duplicate choice/sequence members.


Optimize -O1 and omit unused schema types (unreachable from roots).


Optimize -O2 and omit unused schema root attributes.


Optimize -O3 and omit unused schema root elements (use only with WSDLs).


Optimize -O2 while retaining all derived types of used base types.


Optimize -O3 while retaining all derived types of used base types.


Optimize -O4 while retaining all derived types of used base types.


Output to file file.


Do not create polymorphic types inherited from xsd__anyType.


Create polymorphic types inherited from base xsd__anyType.


Make xsd__anySimpleType equal to xsd__anyType to use as the base type.


Use name for the C++ namespace of all declarations.


Generate REST operations for REST bindings specified in a WSDL.


Connect via proxy host, port and proxy credentials uid and pwd.


Connect with authentication credentials uid and pwd.


Use name instead of soap for the C++ class members with soap contexts.


Do not generate STL code (no std::string and no std::vector).


Use type map file file instead of the default file typemap.dat.


Allow UTF-8-encoded Unicode C/C++ identifiers when mapping XML tag names.


Do not generate unions.


Display the current version and exit.


Verbose output.


Suppress warnings.


Always wrap response parameters in a response struct (<=1.1.4 behavior).


Do not qualify part names to disambiguate doc/lit wrapped patterns.


Do not generate _XML any/anyAttribute extensibility elements.


Generate typedef synonyms for structs and enums.


Compatibility with 2.7.6e: Generate pointer-based arrays.


Compatibility with 2.7.7-2.7.15: (un)qualify element/attribute references.


Compatibility with 2.7.16-2.8.7: (un)qualify element/attribute references.


Compatibility up to 2.8.11: Do not generate union structs in std::vector.


Compatibility up to 2.8.15: Do not include minor improvements.


Compatibility up to 2.8.17: Do not include minor improvements.


Compatibility up to 2.8.59: Do not generate std::vector of class of union.


Compatibility up to 2.8.74: Do not generate qualifiers for doc/lit wrapped patterns.


Compatibility up to 2.8.93: Always qualify element/attribute references.


Compatibility up to 2.8.96: Generate qualifiers even when defined w/o namespace.


Do not generate _USCORE (replace with Unicode code point _x005f).

See Also



This manual page was written by Thomas Wana <greuff@debian.org>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

Referenced By


December 23, 2004