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wol - Man Page

Wake On LAN client

Examples (TL;DR)


wol [OPTION] ... MAC-ADDRESS ...


This manual gives you an introduction into wol, the Wake On LAN client. It remotely turns on computers that supports Magic Packet technology (also known as Wake On LAN).

Some workstations support SecureON password feature. These machines only wake up if you provide the correct password. wol also provides this feature.



Print a summary of the command line options.


Print the version number of wol.


Broadcast packet to this IP address or hostname. This is important if your wol client is a multihomed host and you want to send only to one subnet (default IP address is


Bind to this IP address or hostname. This allows broadcasting on multihomed hosts by specifying the IP address of the desired outgoing interface.

-p NUM

Send packet with this destination port NUM. This option is important if your packet filter would block the default destination port 40000.


Read hardware addresses, IP addresses/hostnames, optional ports and SecureON password from file FILE. If FILE is - wol reads from stdin.


Read hardware addresses, IP addresses, optional ports and optional SecureON password from stdin. So you can extract MAC-ADDRESSES from any source and pipe the data into wol so.


Turns on verbose output.

-w NUM

Waits NUM milliseconds between Magic Packets. Also known as fuse health pack.


Send a magic packet with SecureON password feature. PASS is written as x-x-x-x-x-x, where x is a hexadecimal number between 0 and ff which represents one byte of the password.

If you don't provide PASS wol prompts you for a password.

To set the password of your SecureON capable NIC, you can use ethtool (<http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gkernel/>).


Please report bugs to <krennwallner@aon.at>. Feel free to send bug reports, translations, improvement suggestions and patches to this email address.

See Also

GNU info entry for wol.


Written by Thomas Krennwallner <krennwallner@aon.at>.


2024-01-27 wol 0.7.1