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whirlpoolsum - Man Page

compute and check WHIRLPOOL message digest


whirlpoolsum [OPTION]... [FILE]...


Print or check WHIRLPOOL (512-bit) checksums. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

-b,  --binary

read in binary mode

-c,  --check

read WHIRLPOOL sums from the FILEs and check them


create a BSD-style checksum, always in binary mode

-t,  --text

read in text mode (default)

Note: There is no difference between binary and text mode option on GNU system.

The following three options are useful only when verifying checksums


don't print OK for each successfully verified file


don't output anything, status code shows success

-w,  --warn

warn about improperly formatted checksum lines


with --check, exit non-zero for any invalid input


invoke Whirlpool API test function and exit


display this help and exit


output version information and exit

The sums are computed as described in the official WHIRLPOOL specs. When checking, the input should be a former output of this program. The  default mode  is to print  a line with checksum,  a character indicating input mode ('*' for binary, space for text), and name for each FILE.


Written by Denis Fateyev. Based on WHIRLPOOL algorithm implementation by  Paulo S.L.M. Barreto and Vincent Rijmen,  and various improvements by  Avar Arnfjörð Bjarmason.

Reporting Bugs

Report whirlpoolsum bugs to 'denis@fateyev.com'
Libwhirlpool home page: <https://github.com/dfateyev/libwhirlpool>

See Also

sha256sum(1), sha384sum(1), sha512sum(1).


October 2015