websec - Man Page

Web Secretary


websec [options]



Print a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.


Base directory for configuration (~/.websec by default)


Use another file for the url list, by default it is "url.list".


websec is a web page monitoring software.  It will send you a changed web page with the contents highlighted.

The base directory is the place from which websec will read the config files and in which it will store its data.

When called without an argument, websec will look for a base directory. If the current directory has url.list it will use it, otherwise it will try to use $HOME/.websec/. You can also override this process with the --base option.

You can add a line like AddSubject = [websec] to url.list, websec will add [websec] to every subject as a first word when mail is sent. You can then easily detect this line by a mail filter.

The keywords Retry, Retrywait, and Timeout in url.list lets you specify the number of times to retry, time to wait between retries, and a timeout setting.

Websec waits for a random number of seconds between retries up to the value specified by the Randomwait keyword. This is to prevent websec from being blocked by websites that perform log analysis to find time similarities between requests.

See Also

/usr/share/doc/websec/README.gz, url.list(5), ignore.list(5), webdiff(1).


Victor Chew is the original author of this software, Baruch Even is continuing the maintenance and Joop Stakenborg <pa3aba@debian.org> provided this man page,

Referenced By


2024-07-20 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation