virt-sysprep - Man Page

Reset, unconfigure or customize a virtual machine so clones can be made

Examples (TL;DR)


 virt-sysprep [--options] -d domname

 virt-sysprep [--options] -a disk.img [-a disk.img ...]


Using virt-sysprep on live virtual machines, or concurrently with other disk editing tools, can be dangerous, potentially causing disk corruption.  The virtual machine must be shut down before you use this command, and disk images must not be edited concurrently.


Virt-sysprep can reset or unconfigure a virtual machine so that clones can be made from it.  Steps in this process include removing SSH host keys, removing persistent network MAC configuration, and removing user accounts.  Virt-sysprep can also customize a virtual machine, for instance by adding SSH keys, users or logos.  Each step can be enabled or disabled as required.

Virt-sysprep modifies the guest or disk image in place.  The guest must be shut down.  If you want to preserve the existing contents of the guest, you must snapshot, copy or clone the disk first.  See "Copying and Cloning" below.

You do not need to run virt-sysprep as root.  In fact we'd generally recommend that you don't.  The time you might want to run it as root is when you need root in order to access the disk image, but even in this case it would be better to change the permissions on the disk image to be writable as the non-root user running virt-sysprep.

"Sysprep" stands for "system preparation" tool.  The name comes from the Microsoft program sysprep.exe which is used to unconfigure Windows machines in preparation for cloning them.  (Virt-sysprep does not work on Microsoft Windows guests.)



Display brief help.

-a file
--add file

Add file which should be a disk image from a virtual machine.

The format of the disk image is auto-detected.  To override this and force a particular format use the --format option.

-a URI
--add URI

Add a remote disk.  The URI format is compatible with guestfish. See "ADDING REMOTE STORAGE" in guestfish(1).


Use ANSI colour sequences to colourize messages.  This is the default when the output is a tty.  If the output of the program is redirected to a file, ANSI colour sequences are disabled unless you use this option.

-c URI
--connect URI

If using libvirt, connect to the given URI.  If omitted, then we connect to the default libvirt hypervisor.

If you specify guest block devices directly (-a), then libvirt is not used at all.

-d guest
--domain guest

Add all the disks from the named libvirt guest.  Domain UUIDs can be used instead of names.


Perform a read-only "dry run" on the guest.  This runs the sysprep operation, but throws away any changes to the disk at the end.

--enable operations

Choose which sysprep operations to perform.  Give a comma-separated list of operations, for example:

 --enable ssh-hostkeys,udev-persistent-net

would enable ONLY ssh-hostkeys and udev-persistent-net operations.

If the --enable option is not given, then we default to trying most sysprep operations (see --list-operations to show which are enabled).

Regardless of the --enable option, sysprep operations are skipped for some guest types.

Use --list-operations to list operations supported by a particular version of virt-sysprep.

See "Operations" below for a list and an explanation of each operation.

--operation operations
--operations operations

Choose which sysprep operations to perform.  Give a comma-separated list of operations, for example:

 --operations ssh-hostkeys,udev-persistent-net

would enable ONLY ssh-hostkeys and udev-persistent-net operations.

--operations allows you to enable and disable any operation, including the default ones (which would be tried when specifying neither --operations nor --enable) and all the available ones; prepending a - in front of an operation name removes it from the list of enabled operations, while the meta-names defaults and all represent respectively the operations enabled by default and all the available ones. For example:

 --operations firewall-rules,defaults,-tmp-files

would enable the firewall-rules operation (regardless whether it is enabled by default), all the default ones, and disable the tmp-files operation.

--operations can be specified multiple times; the first time the set of enabled operations is empty, while any further --operations affects the operations enabled so far.

If the --operations option is not given, then we default to trying most sysprep operations (see --list-operations to show which are enabled).

Regardless of the --operations option, sysprep operations are skipped for some guest types.

Use --list-operations to list operations supported by a particular version of virt-sysprep.

See "Operations" below for a list and an explanation of each operation.


When prompting for keys and passphrases, virt-sysprep normally turns echoing off so you cannot see what you are typing.  If you are not worried about Tempest attacks and there is no one else in the room you can specify this flag to see what you are typing.

--format raw|qcow2|..
--format auto

The default for the -a option is to auto-detect the format of the disk image.  Using this forces the disk format for -a options which follow on the command line.  Using --format auto switches back to auto-detection for subsequent -a options.

For example:

 virt-sysprep --format raw -a disk.img

forces raw format (no auto-detection) for disk.img.

 virt-sysprep --format raw -a disk.img --format auto -a another.img

forces raw format (no auto-detection) for disk.img and reverts to auto-detection for another.img.

If you have untrusted raw-format guest disk images, you should use this option to specify the disk format.  This avoids a possible security problem with malicious guests (CVE-2010-3851).


Specify a key for LUKS, to automatically open a LUKS device when using the inspection.

--key all:key:KEY_STRING

NAME is the libguestfs device name (eg. /dev/sda1).  UUID is the device UUID.  all means try the key against any encrypted device.

Use the specified KEY_STRING as passphrase.

--key NAME:file:FILENAME
--key UUID:file:FILENAME
--key all:file:FILENAME

Read the passphrase from FILENAME.

--key NAME:clevis
--key UUID:clevis
--key all:clevis

Attempt passphrase-less unlocking for the device with Clevis, over the network.  Please refer to "ENCRYPTED DISKS" in guestfs(3) for more information on network-bound disk encryption (NBDE).

Note that if any such option is present on the command line, QEMU user networking will be automatically enabled for the libguestfs appliance.


Read key or passphrase parameters from stdin.  The default is to try to read passphrases from the user by opening /dev/tty.

If there are multiple encrypted devices then you may need to supply multiple keys on stdin, one per line.


List the operations supported by the virt-sysprep program.

These are listed one per line, with one or more single-space-separated fields, eg:

 $ virt-sysprep --list-operations
 bash-history * Remove the bash history in the guest
 cron-spool * Remove user at-jobs and cron-jobs
 dhcp-client-state * Remove DHCP client leases
 dhcp-server-state * Remove DHCP server leases

The first field is the operation name, which can be supplied to --enable.  The second field is a * character if the operation is enabled by default or blank if not.  Subsequent fields on the same line are the description of the operation.

Before libguestfs 1.17.33 only the first (operation name) field was shown and all operations were enabled by default.

--mount-options mp:opts[;mp:opts;...]

Set the mount options used when libguestfs opens the disk image.  Note this has no effect on the guest.  It is used when opening certain guests such as ones using the UFS (BSD) filesystem.

Use a semicolon-separated list of mountpoint:options pairs. You may need to quote this list to protect it from the shell.

For example:

 --mount-options "/:noatime"

will mount the root directory with notime.  This example:

 --mount-options "/:noatime;/var:rw,nodiratime"

will do the same, plus mount /var with rw,nodiratime.


Don’t print log messages.

To enable detailed logging of individual file operations, use -x.


Enable or disable network access from the guest during the installation.

In virt-sysprep, the network is disabled by default.  You must use --network to enable it, in order that options such as --install or --update will work.

virt-builder(1) has more information about the security advantages of disabling the network.


Enable verbose messages for debugging.


Display version number and exit.


Wrap error, warning, and informative messages.  This is the default when the output is a tty.  If the output of the program is redirected to a file, wrapping is disabled unless you use this option.


Enable tracing of libguestfs API calls.

--append-line FILE:LINE (see customize below)

Append a single line of text to the FILE.  If the file does not already end with a newline, then one is added before the appended line.  Also a newline is added to the end of the LINE string automatically.

For example (assuming ordinary shell quoting) this command:

 --append-line '/etc/hosts: foo'

will add either foo⏎ or ⏎ foo⏎ to the file, the latter only if the existing file does not already end with a newline.

represents a newline character, which is guessed by looking at the existing content of the file, so this command does the right thing for files using Unix or Windows line endings. It also works for empty or non-existent files.

To insert several lines, use the same option several times:

 --append-line '/etc/hosts: foo'
 --append-line '/etc/hosts: bar'

To insert a blank line before the appended line, do:

 --append-line '/etc/hosts:'
 --append-line '/etc/hosts: foo'
--chmod PERMISSIONS:FILE (see customize below)

Change the permissions of FILE to PERMISSIONS.

Note: PERMISSIONS by default would be decimal, unless you prefix it with 0 to get octal, ie. use 0700 not 700.

--chown UID:GID:PATH (see customize below)

Change the owner user and group ID of a file or directory in the guest. Note:

  • Only numeric UIDs and GIDs will work, and these may not be the same inside the guest as on the host.
  • This will not work with Windows guests.

For example:

 virt-customize --chown '0:0:/var/log/audit.log'

See also: --upload.

--commands-from-file FILENAME (see customize below)

Read the customize commands from a file, one (and its arguments) each line.

Each line contains a single customization command and its arguments, for example:

 delete /some/file
 install some-package
 password some-user:password:its-new-password

Empty lines are ignored, and lines starting with # are comments and are ignored as well.  Furthermore, arguments can be spread across multiple lines, by adding a \ (continuation character) at the of a line, for example

 edit /some/file:\

The commands are handled in the same order as they are in the file, as if they were specified as --delete /some/file on the command line.

--copy SOURCE:DEST (see customize below)

Copy files or directories recursively inside the guest.

Wildcards cannot be used.

--copy-in LOCALPATH:REMOTEDIR (see customize below)

Copy local files or directories recursively into the disk image, placing them in the directory REMOTEDIR (which must exist).

Wildcards cannot be used.

--delete PATH (see customize below)

Delete a file from the guest.  Or delete a directory (and all its contents, recursively).

You can use shell glob characters in the specified path.  Be careful to escape glob characters from the host shell, if that is required. For example:

 virt-customize --delete '/var/log/*.log'.

See also: --upload, --scrub.

--edit FILE:EXPR (see customize below)

Edit FILE using the Perl expression EXPR.

Be careful to properly quote the expression to prevent it from being altered by the shell.

Note that this option is only available when Perl 5 is installed.

See "NON-INTERACTIVE EDITING" in virt-edit(1).

--firstboot SCRIPT (see customize below)

Install SCRIPT inside the guest, so that when the guest first boots up, the script runs (as root, late in the boot process).

The script is automatically chmod +x after installation in the guest.

The alternative version --firstboot-command is the same, but it conveniently wraps the command up in a single line script for you.

You can have multiple --firstboot options.  They run in the same order that they appear on the command line.

Please take a look at "FIRST BOOT SCRIPTS" in virt-builder(1) for more information and caveats about the first boot scripts.

See also --run.

--firstboot-command 'CMD+ARGS' (see customize below)

Run command (and arguments) inside the guest when the guest first boots up (as root, late in the boot process).

You can have multiple --firstboot options.  They run in the same order that they appear on the command line.

Please take a look at "FIRST BOOT SCRIPTS" in virt-builder(1) for more information and caveats about the first boot scripts.

See also --run.

--firstboot-install PKG,PKG.. (see customize below)

Install the named packages (a comma-separated list).  These are installed when the guest first boots using the guest’s package manager (eg. apt, yum, etc.) and the guest’s network connection.

For an overview on the different ways to install packages, see "INSTALLING PACKAGES" in virt-builder(1).

--hostname HOSTNAME (see customize below)

Set the hostname of the guest to HOSTNAME.  You can use a dotted hostname.domainname (FQDN) if you want.

--inject-blnsvr METHOD (see customize below)

Inject the Balloon Server (blnsvr.exe) into a Windows guest. This operation also injects a firstboot script so that the Balloon Server is installed when the guest boots.

The parameter is the same as used by the --inject-virtio-win operation.

Note that to do a full conversion of a Windows guest from a foreign hypervisor like VMware (which involves many other operations) you should use the virt-v2v(1) tool instead of this.

--inject-qemu-ga METHOD (see customize below)

Inject the QEMU Guest Agent into a Windows guest.  The guest agent communicates with qemu through a socket in order to provide enhanced features (see qemu-ga(8)).  This operation also injects a firstboot script so that the Guest Agent is installed when the guest boots.

The parameter is the same as used by the --inject-virtio-win operation.

Note that to do a full conversion of a Windows guest from a foreign hypervisor like VMware (which involves many other operations) you should use the virt-v2v(1) tool instead of this.

--inject-virtio-win METHOD (see customize below)

Inject virtio-win drivers into a Windows guest.  These drivers add virtio accelerated drivers suitable when running on top of a hypervisor that supports virtio (such as qemu/KVM).  The operation also adjusts the Windows Registry so that the drivers are installed when the guest boots.

The parameter can be one of:


The path to the ISO image containing the virtio-win drivers (eg. /usr/share/virtio-win/virtio-win.iso).


The directory containing the unpacked virtio-win drivers (eg. /usr/share/virtio-win).


The literal string "osinfo" means to use the libosinfo database to locate the drivers.  (See osinfo-query(1).

Note that to do a full conversion of a Windows guest from a foreign hypervisor like VMware (which involves many other operations) you should use the virt-v2v(1) tool instead of this.

--install PKG,PKG.. (see customize below)

Install the named packages (a comma-separated list).  These are installed during the image build using the guest’s package manager (eg. apt, yum, etc.) and the host’s network connection.

For an overview on the different ways to install packages, see "INSTALLING PACKAGES" in virt-builder(1).

See also --update, --uninstall.

--keep-user-accounts USERS (see user-account below)

The user accounts to be kept in the guest. The value of this option is a list of user names separated by comma, where specifying an user means it is going to be kept. For example:

 --keep-user-accounts mary

would keep the user account mary.

This option can be specified multiple times.

--link TARGET:LINK[:LINK..] (see customize below)

Create symbolic link(s) in the guest, starting at LINK and pointing at TARGET.

--mkdir DIR (see customize below)

Create a directory in the guest.

This uses mkdir -p so any intermediate directories are created, and it also works if the directory already exists.

--move SOURCE:DEST (see customize below)

Move files or directories inside the guest.

Wildcards cannot be used.

--no-logfile (see customize below)

Scrub builder.log (log file from build commands) from the image after building is complete.  If you don't want to reveal precisely how the image was built, use this option.

See also: "LOG FILE".

--no-selinux-relabel (see customize below)

Do not attempt to correct the SELinux labels of files in the guest.

In such guests that support SELinux, customization automatically relabels files so that they have the correct SELinux label.  (The relabeling is performed immediately, but if the operation fails, customization will instead touch /.autorelabel on the image to schedule a relabel operation for the next time the image boots.)  This option disables the automatic relabeling.

The option is a no-op for guests that do not support SELinux.

--password USER:SELECTOR (see customize below)

Set the password for USER.  (Note this option does not create the user account).

See "USERS AND PASSWORDS" in virt-builder(1) for the format of the SELECTOR field, and also how to set up user accounts.

--password-crypto md5|sha256|sha512 (see customize below)

When the virt tools change or set a password in the guest, this option sets the password encryption of that password to md5, sha256 or sha512.

sha256 and sha512 require glibc ≥ 2.7 (check crypt(3) inside the guest).

md5 will work with relatively old Linux guests (eg. RHEL 3), but is not secure against modern attacks.

The default is sha512 unless libguestfs detects an old guest that didn't have support for SHA-512, in which case it will use md5. You can override libguestfs by specifying this option.

Note this does not change the default password encryption used by the guest when you create new user accounts inside the guest. If you want to do that, then you should use the --edit option to modify /etc/sysconfig/authconfig (Fedora, RHEL) or /etc/pam.d/common-password (Debian, Ubuntu).

--remove-user-accounts USERS (see user-account below)

The user accounts to be removed from the guest. The value of this option is a list of user names separated by comma, where specifying an user means it is going to be removed. For example:

 --remove-user-accounts bob,eve

would only remove the user accounts bob and eve.

This option can be specified multiple times.

--root-password SELECTOR (see customize below)

Set the root password.

See "USERS AND PASSWORDS" in virt-builder(1) for the format of the SELECTOR field, and also how to set up user accounts.

Note: In virt-builder, if you don't set --root-password then the guest is given a random root password.

--run SCRIPT (see customize below)

Run the shell script (or any program) called SCRIPT on the disk image.  The script runs virtualized inside a small appliance, chrooted into the guest filesystem.

The script is automatically chmod +x.

If libguestfs supports it then a limited network connection is available but it only allows outgoing network connections.  You can also attach data disks (eg. ISO files) as another way to provide data (eg. software packages) to the script without needing a network connection (--attach).  You can also upload data files (--upload).

You can have multiple --run options.  They run in the same order that they appear on the command line.

See also: --firstboot, --attach, --upload.

--run-command 'CMD+ARGS' (see customize below)

Run the command and arguments on the disk image.  The command runs virtualized inside a small appliance, chrooted into the guest filesystem.

If libguestfs supports it then a limited network connection is available but it only allows outgoing network connections.  You can also attach data disks (eg. ISO files) as another way to provide data (eg. software packages) to the script without needing a network connection (--attach).  You can also upload data files (--upload).

You can have multiple --run-command options.  They run in the same order that they appear on the command line.

See also: --firstboot, --attach, --upload.

--script SCRIPT (see script below)

Run the named SCRIPT (a shell script or program) against the guest.  The script can be any program on the host.  The script’s current directory will be the guest’s root directory.

Note: If the script is not on the $PATH, then you must give the full absolute path to the script.

--scriptdir SCRIPTDIR (see script below)

The mount point (an empty directory on the host) used when the script operation is enabled and one or more scripts are specified using --script parameter(s).

Note: SCRIPTDIR must be an absolute path.

If --scriptdir is not specified then a temporary mountpoint will be created.

--scrub FILE (see customize below)

Scrub a file from the guest.  This is like --delete except that:

  • It scrubs the data so a guest could not recover it.
  • It cannot delete directories, only regular files.
--selinux-relabel (see customize below)

This is a compatibility option that does nothing.

--sm-attach SELECTOR (see customize below)

Attach to a pool using subscription-manager.

See "SUBSCRIPTION-MANAGER" in virt-builder(1) for the format of the SELECTOR field.

--sm-credentials SELECTOR (see customize below)

Set the credentials for subscription-manager.

See "SUBSCRIPTION-MANAGER" in virt-builder(1) for the format of the SELECTOR field.

--sm-register (see customize below)

Register the guest using subscription-manager.

This requires credentials being set using --sm-credentials.

--sm-remove (see customize below)

Remove all the subscriptions from the guest using subscription-manager.

--sm-unregister (see customize below)

Unregister the guest using subscription-manager.

--ssh-inject USER[:SELECTOR] (see customize below)

Inject an ssh key so the given USER will be able to log in over ssh without supplying a password.  The USER must exist already in the guest.

See "SSH KEYS" in virt-builder(1) for the format of the SELECTOR field.

You can have multiple --ssh-inject options, for different users and also for more keys for each user.

--tar-in TARFILE:REMOTEDIR (see customize below)

Copy local files or directories from a local tar file called TARFILE into the disk image, placing them in the directory REMOTEDIR (which must exist).  Note that the tar file must be uncompressed (.tar.gz files will not work here)

--timezone TIMEZONE (see customize below)

Set the default timezone of the guest to TIMEZONE.  Use a location string like Europe/London

--touch FILE (see customize below)

This command performs a touch(1)-like operation on FILE.

--truncate FILE (see customize below)

This command truncates FILE to a zero-length file. The file must exist already.

--truncate-recursive PATH (see customize below)

This command recursively truncates all files under PATH to zero-length.

--uninstall PKG,PKG.. (see customize below)

Uninstall the named packages (a comma-separated list).  These are removed during the image build using the guest’s package manager (eg. apt, yum, etc.).  Dependent packages may also need to be uninstalled to satisfy the request.

See also --install, --update.

--update (see customize below)

Do the equivalent of yum update, apt-get upgrade, or whatever command is required to update the packages already installed in the template to their latest versions.

See also --install, --uninstall.

--upload FILE:DEST (see customize below)

Upload local file FILE to destination DEST in the disk image. File owner and permissions from the original are preserved, so you should set them to what you want them to be in the disk image.

DEST could be the final filename.  This can be used to rename the file on upload.

If DEST is a directory name (which must already exist in the guest) then the file is uploaded into that directory, and it keeps the same name as on the local filesystem.

See also: --mkdir, --delete, --scrub.

--write FILE:CONTENT (see customize below)



If the --enable/--operations option is not given, then most sysprep operations are enabled.

Use virt-sysprep --list-operations to list all operations for your virt-sysprep binary.  The ones which are enabled by default are marked with a * character.  Regardless of the --enable/--operations options, sysprep operations are skipped for some guest types.

Operations can be individually enabled using the --enable/--operations options. Use a comma-separated list, for example:

 virt-sysprep --operations ssh-hostkeys,udev-persistent-net [etc..]

Future versions of virt-sysprep may add more operations.  If you are using virt-sysprep and want predictable behaviour, specify only the operations that you want to have enabled.

* = enabled by default when no --enable/--operations option is given.

abrt-data *

Remove the crash data generated by ABRT.

Remove the automatically generated ABRT crash data in /var/spool/abrt/.

backup-files *

Remove editor backup files from the guest.

The following files are removed from anywhere in the guest filesystem:

  • *.bak
  • *~

On Linux and Unix operating systems, only the following filesystems will be examined:

  • /etc
  • /root
  • /srv
  • /tmp
  • /var

bash-history *

Remove the bash history in the guest.

Remove the bash history of user "root" and any other users who have a .bash_history file in their home directory.

Notes on bash-history

Currently this only looks in /root and /home/* for home directories, so users with home directories in other locations won't have the bash history removed.

blkid-tab *

Remove blkid tab in the guest.


Remove CA certificates in the guest.

In case any certificate is removed, the system CA store is updated.

crash-data *

Remove the crash data generated by kexec-tools.

Remove the automatically generated kdump kernel crash data.

cron-spool *

Remove user at-jobs and cron-jobs.

customize *

Customize the guest.

Customize the guest by providing virt-customize(1) options for installing packages, editing files and so on.

dhcp-client-state *

Remove DHCP client leases.

dhcp-server-state *

Remove DHCP server leases.

dovecot-data *

Remove Dovecot (mail server) data.


Remove the firewall rules.

This removes custom firewall rules by removing /etc/sysconfig/iptables or custom firewalld configuration in /etc/firewalld/*/*.

Note this is not enabled by default since it may expose guests to exploits.  Use with care.


Flag the system for reconfiguration.

For Linux guests, this touches /.unconfigured, which causes the first boot to interactively query the user for settings such as the root password and timezone.


Change filesystem UUIDs.

On guests and filesystem types where this is supported, new random UUIDs are generated and assigned to filesystems.

Notes on fs-uuids

The fs-uuids operation is disabled by default because it does not yet find and update all the places in the guest that use the UUIDs.  For example /etc/fstab or the bootloader. Enabling this operation is more likely than not to make your guest unbootable.


ipa-client *

Remove the IPA files.

Remove all the files related to an IPA (Identity, Policy, Audit) system. This effectively unenrolls the guest from an IPA server without interacting with it.

This operation does not run ipa-client.


Remove Kerberos data in the guest.

kerberos-hostkeytab *

Remove the Kerberos host keytab file in the guest.

logfiles *

Remove many log files from the guest.

On Linux the following files are removed:

  • /etc/Pegasus/*.cnf
  • /etc/Pegasus/*.crt
  • /etc/Pegasus/*.csr
  • /etc/Pegasus/*.pem
  • /etc/Pegasus/*.srl
  • /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
  • /root/anaconda-post.log
  • /root/initial-setup-ks.cfg
  • /root/install.log
  • /root/install.log.syslog
  • /root/original-ks.cfg
  • /var/cache/fontconfig/*
  • /var/cache/gdm/*
  • /var/cache/man/*
  • /var/lib/AccountService/users/*
  • /var/lib/fprint/*
  • /var/lib/logrotate.status
  • /var/log/*.log*
  • /var/log/BackupPC/LOG
  • /var/log/ConsoleKit/*
  • /var/log/anaconda.syslog
  • /var/log/anaconda/*
  • /var/log/apache2/*_log
  • /var/log/apache2/*_log-*
  • /var/log/apt/*
  • /var/log/aptitude*
  • /var/log/audit/*
  • /var/log/btmp*
  • /var/log/ceph/*.log
  • /var/log/chrony/*.log
  • /var/log/cron*
  • /var/log/cups/*_log*
  • /var/log/debug*
  • /var/log/dmesg*
  • /var/log/exim4/*
  • /var/log/faillog*
  • /var/log/firewalld*
  • /var/log/gdm/*
  • /var/log/glusterfs/*glusterd.vol.log
  • /var/log/glusterfs/glusterfs.log
  • /var/log/grubby*
  • /var/log/httpd/*log
  • /var/log/installer/*
  • /var/log/jetty/jetty-console.log
  • /var/log/journal/*
  • /var/log/lastlog*
  • /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log
  • /var/log/libvirt/libxl/*.log
  • /var/log/libvirt/lxc/*.log
  • /var/log/libvirt/qemu/*.log
  • /var/log/libvirt/uml/*.log
  • /var/log/lightdm/*
  • /var/log/mail/*
  • /var/log/maillog*
  • /var/log/messages*
  • /var/log/ntp
  • /var/log/ntpstats/*
  • /var/log/ppp/connect-errors
  • /var/log/rhsm/*
  • /var/log/sa/*
  • /var/log/secure*
  • /var/log/setroubleshoot/*.log
  • /var/log/spooler*
  • /var/log/squid/*.log
  • /var/log/syslog*
  • /var/log/tallylog*
  • /var/log/tuned/tuned.log
  • /var/log/wtmp*
  • /var/log/xferlog*
  • /var/named/data/

lvm-system-devices *

Remove LVM2 system.devices file.

On Linux guests, LVM2's scanning for physical volumes (PVs) may be restricted to those block devices whose WWIDs are listed in /etc/lvm/devices/system.devices.  When cloning VMs, WWIDs may change, breaking lvm pvscan.  Remove /etc/lvm/devices/system.devices.

lvm-uuids *

Change LVM2 PV and VG UUIDs.

On Linux guests that have LVM2 physical volumes (PVs) or volume groups (VGs), new random UUIDs are generated and assigned to those PVs and VGs.

machine-id *

Remove the local machine ID.

The machine ID is usually generated from a random source during system installation and stays constant for all subsequent boots.  Optionally, for stateless systems it is generated during runtime at boot if it is found to be empty.

mail-spool *

Remove email from the local mail spool directory.

net-hostname *

Remove HOSTNAME and DHCP_HOSTNAME in network interface configuration.

For Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, this is removed from ifcfg-* files.

net-hwaddr *

Remove HWADDR (hard-coded MAC address) configuration.

For Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, this is removed from ifcfg-* files.

net-nmconn *

Remove system-local NetworkManager connection profiles (keyfiles).

On Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, remove the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*.nmconnection files.

pacct-log *

Remove the process accounting log files.

The system wide process accounting will store to the pacct log files if the process accounting is on.

package-manager-cache *

Remove package manager cache.

pam-data *

Remove the PAM data in the guest.

passwd-backups *

Remove /etc/passwd- and similar backup files.

On Linux the following files are removed:

  • /etc/group-
  • /etc/gshadow-
  • /etc/passwd-
  • /etc/shadow-
  • /etc/subgid-
  • /etc/subuid-

puppet-data-log *

Remove the data and log files of puppet.

rh-subscription-manager *

Remove the RH subscription manager files.

rhn-systemid *

Remove the RHN system ID.

rpm-db *

Remove host-specific RPM database files.

Remove host-specific RPM database files and locks.  RPM will recreate these files automatically if needed.

samba-db-log *

Remove the database and log files of Samba.

script *

Run arbitrary scripts against the guest.

The script module lets you run arbitrary shell scripts or programs against the guest.

Note this feature requires FUSE support.  You may have to enable this in your host, for example by adding the current user to the fuse group, or by loading a kernel module.

Use one or more --script parameters to specify scripts or programs that will be run against the guest.

The script or program is run with its current directory being the guest’s root directory, so relative paths should be used.  For example: rm etc/resolv.conf in the script would remove a Linux guest’s DNS configuration file, but rm /etc/resolv.conf would (try to) remove the host’s file.

Normally a temporary mount point for the guest is used, but you can choose a specific one by using the --scriptdir parameter.

Note: This is different from --firstboot scripts (which run in the context of the guest when it is booting first time). --script scripts run on the host, not in the guest.

smolt-uuid *

Remove the Smolt hardware UUID.

ssh-hostkeys *

Remove the SSH host keys in the guest.

The SSH host keys are regenerated (differently) next time the guest is booted.

If, after cloning, the guest gets the same IP address, ssh will give you a stark warning about the host key changing:


ssh-userdir *

Remove ".ssh" directories in the guest.

Remove the .ssh directory of user "root" and any other users who have a .ssh directory in their home directory.

Notes on ssh-userdir

Currently this only looks in /root and /home/* for home directories, so users with home directories in other locations won't have the ssh files removed.

sssd-db-log *

Remove the database and log files of sssd.

tmp-files *

Remove temporary files.

This removes temporary files under /tmp and /var/tmp.

udev-persistent-net *

Remove udev persistent net rules.

Remove udev persistent net rules which map the guest’s existing MAC address to a fixed ethernet device (eg. eth0).

After a guest is cloned, the MAC address usually changes.  Since the old MAC address occupies the old name (eg. eth0), this means the fresh MAC address is assigned to a new name (eg. eth1) and this is usually undesirable.  Erasing the udev persistent net rules avoids this.


Remove the user accounts in the guest.

By default remove all the user accounts and their home directories. The "root" account is not removed.

See the --remove-user-accounts parameter for a way to specify how to remove only some users, or to not remove some others.

utmp *

Remove the utmp file.

This file records who is currently logged in on a machine.  In modern Linux distros it is stored in a ramdisk and hence not part of the virtual machine’s disk, but it was stored on disk in older distros.

yum-uuid *

Remove the yum UUID.

Yum creates a fresh UUID the next time it runs when it notices that the original UUID has been erased.

Copying and Cloning

Virt-sysprep can be used as part of a process of cloning guests, or to prepare a template from which guests can be cloned.  There are many different ways to achieve this using the virt tools, and this section is just an introduction.

A virtual machine (when switched off) consists of two parts:


The configuration or description of the guest.  eg. The libvirt XML (see virsh dumpxml), the running configuration of the guest, or another external format like OVF.

Some configuration items that might need to be changed:

  • name
  • UUID
  • path to block device(s)
  • network card MAC address
block device(s)

One or more hard disk images, themselves containing files, directories, applications, kernels, configuration, etc.

Some things inside the block devices that might need to be changed:

  • hostname and other net configuration
  • UUID
  • SSH host keys
  • Windows unique security ID (SID)
  • Puppet registration

Copying the Block Device

Starting with an original guest, you probably wish to copy the guest block device and its configuration to make a template.  Then once you are happy with the template, you will want to make many clones from it.

 original guest --------> template ---------->
                                      \------> cloned
                                       \-----> guests

You can, of course, just copy the block device on the host using cp(1) or dd(1).

                   dd                 dd
 original guest --------> template ---------->
                                      \------> cloned
                                       \-----> guests

There are some smarter (and faster) ways too:

                template ---------->
                            \------> cloned
                             \-----> guests

You may want to run virt-sysprep twice, once to reset the guest (to make a template) and a second time to customize the guest for a specific user:

                    virt-sysprep        virt-sysprep
                      (reset)      (add user, keys, logos)
                         |                   |
                 dd      v          dd       v
 original guest ----> template ---------> copied ------> custom
                                          template       guest
  • Create a snapshot using qemu-img:

     qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file=original snapshot.qcow

    The advantage is that you don’t need to copy the original (very fast) and only changes are stored (less storage required).

    Note that writing to the backing file once you have created guests on top of it is not possible: you will corrupt the guests.

  • Create a snapshot using lvcreate --snapshot.
  • Other ways to create snapshots include using filesystems-level tools (for filesystems such as btrfs).

    Most Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices can also create cheap snapshots from files or LUNs.

  • Get your NAS to duplicate the LUN.  Most NAS devices can also duplicate LUNs very cheaply (they copy them on-demand in the background).
  • Prepare your template using virt-sparsify(1).  See below.


A separate tool, virt-clone(1), can be used to duplicate the block device and/or modify the external libvirt configuration of a guest. It will reset the name, UUID and MAC address of the guest in the libvirt XML.

virt-clone(1) does not use libguestfs and cannot look inside the disk image.  This was the original motivation to write virt-sysprep.


 original guest --------> template

virt-sparsify(1) can be used to make the cloning template smaller, making it easier to compress and/or faster to copy.

Notice that since virt-sparsify also copies the image, you can use it to make the initial copy (instead of dd).


                template ---------->
                            \------> cloned
                             \-----> guests

If you want to give people cloned guests, but let them pick the size of the guest themselves (eg. depending on how much they are prepared to pay for disk space), then instead of copying the template, you can run virt-resize(1).  Virt-resize performs a copy and resize, and thus is ideal for cloning guests from a template.

Firstboot VS Script

The two options --firstboot and --script both supply shell scripts that are run against the guest.  However these two options are significantly different.

--firstboot script uploads the file script into the guest and arranges that it will run, in the guest, when the guest is next booted.  (The script will only run once, at the "first boot").

--script script runs the shell script on the host, with its current directory inside the guest filesystem.

If you needed, for example, to yum install new packages, then you must not use --script for this, since that would (a) run the yum command on the host and (b) wouldn't have access to the same resources (repositories, keys, etc.) as the guest.  Any command that needs to run on the guest must be run via --firstboot.

On the other hand if you need to make adjustments to the guest filesystem (eg. copying in files), then --script is ideal since (a) it has access to the host filesystem and (b) you will get immediate feedback on errors.

Either or both options can be used multiple times on the command line.


Virtual machines that employ full disk encryption internally to the guest should not be considered for cloning and distribution, as it provides multiple parties with the same internal volume key, enabling any one such party to decrypt all the other clones.  Refer to the LUKS FAQ for details.

Although virt-sysprep removes some sensitive information from the guest, it does not pretend to remove all of it.  You should examine the "Operations" above and the guest afterwards.

Sensitive files are simply removed.  The data they contained may still exist on the disk, easily recovered with a hex editor or undelete tool.  The --scrub option can be used to scrub files instead of just deleting them.  virt-sparsify(1) is another way to remove this content.  See also the scrub(1) command to get rid of deleted content in directory entries and inodes.

Random Seed

(This section applies to Linux guests only)

For supported guests, virt-sysprep writes a few bytes of randomness from the host into the guest’s random seed file.

If this is just done once and the guest is cloned from the same template, then each guest will start with the same entropy, and things like SSH host keys and TCP sequence numbers may be predictable.

Therefore you should arrange to add more randomness after cloning from a template too, which can be done by enabling just the customize module:

 cp template.img newguest.img
 virt-sysprep --enable customize -a newguest.img


For guests which make use of SELinux, special handling for them might be needed when using operations which create new files or alter existing ones.

For further details, see "SELINUX" in virt-builder(1).

Windows 8

Windows 8 "fast startup" can prevent virt-sysprep from working. See "WINDOWS HIBERNATION AND WINDOWS 8 FAST STARTUP" in guestfs(3).

Exit Status

This program returns 0 on success, or 1 if there was an error.

Environment Variables


This can point to the directory containing data files used for Windows firstboot installation.

Normally you do not need to set this.  If not set, a compiled-in default will be used (something like /usr/share/virt-tools).

This directory may contain the following files:


This is the RHSrvAny Windows binary, used to install a "firstboot" script in Windows guests.  It is required if you intend to use the --firstboot or --firstboot-command options with Windows guests.

See also:


This is a Windows binary shipped with SUSE VMDP, used to install a "firstboot" script in Windows guests.  It is required if you intend to use the --firstboot or --firstboot-command options with Windows guests.

For other environment variables, see "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" in guestfs(3).

See Also

guestfs(3), guestfish(1), virt-builder(1), virt-clone(1), virt-customize(1), virt-rescue(1), virt-resize(1), virt-sparsify(1), virsh(1), lvcreate(8), qemu-img(1), scrub(1),,


Richard W.M. Jones

Wanlong Gao, Fujitsu Ltd.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


To get a list of bugs against libguestfs, use this link:

To report a new bug against libguestfs, use this link:

When reporting a bug, please supply:

Referenced By

guestfish(1), guestfs(3), guestfs-hacking(1), guestfs-recipes(1), guestfs-release-notes-1.24(1), guestfs-release-notes-1.26(1), guestfs-release-notes-1.28(1), guestfs-release-notes-1.30(1), guestfs-release-notes-1.44(1), guestfs-security(1), virt-builder(1), virt-clone(1), virt-customize(1), virt-v2v(1).

2024-08-20 guestfs-tools-1.53.3 Virtualization Support