virt-fw-vars - Man Page

manual page for virt-fw-vars 24.7


The virt-fw-vars utility can print and modify UEFI variable stores. Supported formats are standard edk2 (as used by ovmf and armvirt) and aws.

usage: virt-fw-vars [-h] [-l LEVEL] [-i FILE] [--inplace FILE]

[--extract-certs] [-d VAR] [--set-true VAR]

[--set-false VAR] [--set-json FILE] [--set-boot-uri LINK] [--append-boot-filepath FILE] [--set-shim-debug] [--set-shim-verbose] [--set-fallback-verbose] [--set-fallback-no-reboot] [--set-sbat-level FILE] [--set-pk GUID FILE] [--add-kek GUID FILE] [--add-db GUID FILE] [--set-dbx FILE] [--add-mok GUID FILE] [--add-db-hash GUID HASH] [--add-mok-hash GUID HASH] [--enroll-redhat] [--enroll-cert CERT] [--enroll-generate CN] [--no-microsoft] [--microsoft-kek {none,2011,2023,all}] [--distro-keys DISTRO] [--distro-list] [--sb] [-p] [-v] [-x] [-o FILE] [--output-aws FILE] [--output-json FILE]

Print and modify EFI variable stores.


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-l LEVEL, --loglevel LEVEL

set loglevel to LEVEL

-i FILE, --input FILE

read edk2 or aws vars from FILE

--inplace FILE, --in-place FILE

modify FILE in place


extract all certificates

Variable options

-d VAR, --delete VAR

delete variable VAR, can be specified multiple times

--set-true VAR

set variable VAR to true, can be specified multiple times

--set-false VAR

set variable VAR to false, can be specified multiple times

--set-json FILE

set variables from json dump FILE

Boot configuration

--set-boot-uri LINK

set network boot uri to LINK (once, using BootNext)

--append-boot-filepath FILE

append boot entry for FILE (permanent, using BootOrder)

shim.efi configuration


enable shim.efi debugging (pause for debugger attach)


enable shim.efi verbose messages


enable fallback.efi verbose messages


disable rebooting for fallback.efi

--set-sbat-level FILE

set SbatLevel variable

Secure boot setup options

--set-pk GUID FILE

set PK to x509 cert, loaded in pem format from FILE and with owner GUID

--add-kek GUID FILE

add x509 cert to KEK, loaded in pem format from FILE and with owner GUID, can be specified multiple times

--add-db GUID FILE

add x509 cert to db, loaded in pem format from FILE and with owner GUID, can be specified multiple times

--set-dbx FILE

initialize dbx with update from FILE

--add-mok GUID FILE

add x509 cert to MokList, loaded in pem format from FILE and with owner GUID, can be specified multiple times

--add-db-hash GUID HASH

add sha256 HASH to db, with owner GUID, can be specified multiple times

--add-mok-hash GUID HASH

add sha256 HASH to MokList, with owner GUID, can be specified multiple times

Secure boot convinience shortcuts


enroll default certificates for redhat platform

--enroll-cert CERT

enroll using specified certificate

--enroll-generate CN

enroll using generated cert with given common name


do not add microsoft keys to db

--microsoft-kek {none,2011,2023,all}

choose microsoft KEK keys to enroll

--distro-keys DISTRO

add ca keys for DISTRO


list known distros

--sb,  --secure-boot

enable secure boot mode

Print options

-p,  --print

print varstore

-v,  --verbose

print varstore verbosely

-x,  --hexdump

print variable hexdumps

Output options

-o FILE, --output FILE

write edk2 or aws vars to FILE, using the same format the --input FILE has.

--output-aws FILE

write aws vars to FILE

--output-json FILE

write json dump to FILE


Print variable store.

virt-fw-vars --input ${guest}_VARS.fd \
            --print --verbose

Enroll default (microsoft) secure boot certificates

virt-fw-vars --input OVMF_VARS.fd \
            --output OVMF_VARS.secboot.fd \
            --enroll-redhat \


Gerd Hoffmann <>

Referenced By


July 2024 virt-fw-vars 24.7