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vcd-info - Man Page

manual page for vcd-info 2.0.0


vcd-info [OPTION...]


-a,  --access-mode=ACCESS

set CD-ROM access mode (IOCTL, READ_10, READ_CD)

-b,  --bin-file[=FILE]

set "bin" CD-ROM disk image file as source

-c,  --cue-file[=FILE]

set "cue" CD-ROM disk image file as source

-N,  --nrg-file[=FILE]

set Nero CD-ROM disk image file as source


set "toc" CD-ROM disk image file as source

-i,  --input[=FILE]

set source and determine if "bin" image or device


ignore information in /EXT/PSD_X.VCD


use 2336 byte sector mode for image file

-C,  --cdrom-device[=DEVICE]

set CD-ROM device as source

-d,  --debug=INT

Set debugging output to LEVEL

-t,  --terse

same as --no-header --no-banner --no-delimiter

-B,  --no-banner

do not show program banner header and RCS version string

-D,  --no-delimiter

do not show delimiter lines around various sections of output

-H,  --no-header

do not show section header titles


show specific entry of the ENTRIES section

-E,  --show-entries-all

show ENTRIES section

-F,  --show-filesystem

show filesystem info


show specific entry of the INFO section

-I,  --show-info-all

show INFO section

-L,  --show-lot

show LOT section

-p,  --show-psd

show PSD section(s)

-P,  --show-pvd-all

show PVD section(s)


show a specific entry of the Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) section

-s,  --show-scandata

show scan data

-X,  --show-search

show search data

-S,  --show-source

show source image filename and size

-T,  --show-tracks

show tracks

-f,  --show-format

show VCD format (VCD 1.1, VCD 2.0, SVCD, ...)

-q,  --quiet

show only critical messages

-V,  --version

display version and copyright information and exit

Help options

-?,  --help

Show this help message


Display brief usage message


Written by Herbert Valerio Riedel and Rocky Bernstein.



January 2018 vcd-info 2.0.0