v.report.1grass - Man Page

Reports geometry statistics for vector maps.


vector, geometry, statistics


v.report --help
v.report [-cd] map=name  [layer=string]  option=string  [units=string]   [sort=string]   [separator=character]   [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]



Do not include column names in output


Report for geometries with no database records


Print usage summary


Verbose module output


Quiet module output


Force launching GUI dialog


map=name [required]

Name of vector map
Or data source for direct OGR access


Layer number or name
Vector features can have category values in different layers. This number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR access this is the layer name.
Default: 1

option=string [required]

Value to calculate
Options: area, length, coor


Options: miles, feet, meters, kilometers, acres, hectares, percent


Sort the result
Options: asc, desc
asc: Sort in ascending order
desc: Sort in descending order


Field separator
Special characters: pipe, comma, space, tab, newline
Default: pipe


v.report generates a table showing the area present in each of the categories of a user-selected data layer.

Area is given in hectares, square meters, and square kilometers. If the units option is used, area is given in acres, square feet, and square miles.

Feet and acre units are always reported in their common versions (i.e. the International Foot, exactly 5280 feet in a mile), even when the coordinate reference system’s standard map unit is the US Survey foot.

v.report works on the full map data; therefore, the current region is ignored. If you wish to spatially limit the statistics, a map subset must be created with v.in.region and v.overlay, and then run v.report on the new map.


North Carolina sample dataset:

v.report zipcodes_wake option=area units=hectares

In the output, there is an extra column added containing the results.

See Also

v.in.region, v.to.db, v.overlay


Markus Neteler, GDF Hannover

Source Code

Available at: v.report source code (history)

Accessed: Monday Sep 09 08:49:55 2024

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