v.in.wfs.1grass - Man Page

Imports GetFeature from a WFS server.


vector, import, OGC web services, OGC WFS


v.in.wfs --help
v.in.wfs [-lr] url=string output=name  [name=string[,string,...]]   [layer=string[,string,...]]   [srs=string]   [maximum_features=integer]   [start_index=integer]   [version=string]   [username=string]   [password=string]   [--overwrite]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]



Download server capabilities to ’wms_capabilities.xml’ in the current directory and exit


Restrict fetch to features which touch the current region


Allow output files to overwrite existing files


Print usage summary


Verbose module output


Quiet module output


Force launching GUI dialog


url=string [required]

Base URL starting with ’http’ and ending in ’?’

output=name [required]

Name for output vector map


Comma separated names of data layers to download


Name of data layers to import


Specify alternate spatial reference system (example: EPSG:4326)
The given code must be supported by the server, consult the capabilities file


Maximum number of features to download
(default: unlimited)


Skip earlier feature IDs and start downloading at this one
(default: start with the first feature)


version of WFS, e.g.:1.0.0 or 2.0.0
Default: 1.0.0


Username or file with username or environment variable name with username


Password or file with password or environment variable name with password


v.in.wfs imports OGC WFS maps (Web Feature Service) from external servers.


WFS import without credentials

Import of Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite scene footprints:

# run in Latitude-Longitude project (EPGS code 4326):
# download "sentinel:mgrs" layer:
v.in.wfs url="https://geoserver.mundialis.de/geoserver/sentinel/wfs?" name="sentinel:mgrs" output=sentinel2_mgrs
# download NRW ALKIS "ave:Flurstueck" attribute:
# set the AOI beforehand with g.region and limit import to current region with -r flag
v.in.wfs url="https://www.wfs.nrw.de/geobasis/wfs_nw_alkis_vereinfacht?" -r output=wfs_alkis_vereinfacht srs=25832
name="ave:Flurstueck" version="2.0.0" layer="Flurstueck"

WFS import with API key

Download 25 ship wrecks from LINZ data service:
(first create yourself a free API key at http://data.linz.govt.nz/p/web-services/)

# run in LatLong project:
URL=’http://wfs.data.linz.govt.nz/<PUT YOUR API KEY HERE>/wfs?’
# download list of available layers to wms_capabilities.xml
v.in.wfs -l url="$URL"

From that file we learn that the shipwreck layer is called "v:x633" and that EPSG code 4326 (LatLong WGS84) is a supported SRS for this data layer.

v.in.wfs url="$URL" output=linz_hydro_25_wrecks name="v:x633" srs="EPSG:4326" max=25


The OGR library on the system needs to be compiled with Xerces C++ XML Parser support (for GML).

See Also

g.region, r.in.wms, v.import, v.in.ogr


Markus Neteler, Hamish Bowman

Source Code

Available at: v.in.wfs source code (history)

Accessed: Monday Sep 09 08:49:55 2024

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