v.in.region.1grass - Man Page

Creates a vector polygon from the current region extent.


vector, geometry


v.in.region --help
v.in.region [-d] output=name  [type=string]   [cat=integer]   [--overwrite]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]



Densify lines using region resolution


Allow output files to overwrite existing files


Print usage summary


Verbose module output


Quiet module output


Force launching GUI dialog


output=name [required]

Name for output vector map


Select type: line or area
Options: line, area
Default: area


Category value
Default: 1


v.in.region creates a new vector map from current region extent.

If the output of v.in.region is to be used for raster reprojection, the -d flag should be used after setting the region to the raster map to be reprojected with r.proj.


The example is based on the North Carolina sample data. To create a bounding box vector map based on a raster map, the computational region is first set to the raster map. Then a vector bounding box is created based on the actual computational region (in this case precisely reflecting the pixel geometry of the raster map), resulting in a new vector polygon:

g.region raster=soils_Kfactor -p
v.in.region output=soils_Kfactor_bbox
v.info map=soils_Kfactor_bbox

See Also

g.region, r.proj, v.info


Radim Blazek

Source Code

Available at: v.in.region source code (history)

Accessed: Monday Sep 09 08:48:53 2024

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