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uvcdynctrl - Man Page

libwebcam command line tool

Examples (TL;DR)


uvcdynctrl [OPTIONS]... [VALUES]...


uvcdynctrl 0.2.3

Manage dynamic controls in uvcvideo

-h,  --help

Print full help and exit

-V,  --version

Print version and exit

-l,  --list

List available cameras

-i,  --import=filename

Import dynamic controls from an XML file

-a,  --addctrl=vid

Import dynamic controls for vid from default location

-v,  --verbose

Enable verbose output  (default=off)

-d,  --device=devicename

Specify the device to use  (default=`video0')

-c,  --clist

List available controls

-g,  --get=control

Retrieve the current control value -G, --get_raw=unit_id:selector Retrieve the current raw control value

-s,  --set=control

Set a new control value (For negative values: -s 'My Control' -- -42)

-S,  --set_raw=unit_id:selector

Set a new raw control value (value is a hex string of control size, default is little endian use '(BE)' prefix to change: -S 13:1 0x01100c or -S 13:1 '(BE)0x0c1001' )

-f,  --formats

List available frame formats

-W,  --save=filename

Save device controls state to a file

-L,  --load=filename

Load device controls state from a file

See Also

The full documentation for uvcdynctrl is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and uvcdynctrl programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info uvcdynctrl

should give you access to the complete manual.

Referenced By

The man page uvcdynctrl-0.2.6(1) is an alias of uvcdynctrl(1).

Aug 2013 uvcdynctrl 0.2.3