utox - Man Page

Lightweight Tox client


usage: utox [--portable] [--theme <THEME>] [--set=<start-on-boot|show-window|hide-window>] [--allow-root]
  or: utox --version
  or: utox --help


µTox is a free software lighweight X.org graphical Tox client.

µTox can be used for:
* 1-to-1 text IM
* group IM
* audio calls
* video calls
* group audio calls
* desktop sharing
* file transfers


-t <THEME> or --theme <THEME>

Choose a color scheme. Possible options are default, dark, light, highcontrast, zenburn, solarized-light, or solarized-dark.

-p or --portable

Run in portable mode. All data will be saved to the tox folder in the current working directory, see Files for more details.


Allow running µTox as root. Default is to refuse.

-s <OPTION> or --set <OPTION>

Set an option. The available options are "start-on-boot", "show-window" and "hide-window".

-u <OPTION> or --unset <OPTION>

Unset an option. The available option is "start-on-boot".

-v or --verbose

Increase debug output level. Multiple -v options increase the verbosity. The maximum is 6.


Set the verbosity level to 0, disable all debugging output.

--debug <FILE>

Write all debug output to the specified file.

-h or --help

Print a short description of available options.


Print the version and exit.



Toggle friend list online status filter.


Focus on friend list search input field.

Ctrl+[num], Alt+[num]

Switch to chat [num].


Move up or down in the friend list.


Move to first or last friend in the friend list.


Unfocus message input field. When unfocused, pressing any key will focus on it again.


Scroll chat log up or down.  This keybinding will only work when the message input field is unfocused.

Home, End

Scroll to top or bottom of chat log.  This keybinding will only work when the message input field is unfocused.

Chat Commands

These commands can be used in the chat window.

/alias <alias>

Sets selected friend's alias to <alias>. It will be displayed instead of that friend's name.

/invite <name>

Invites <name> to the current groupchat.

/sendfile <path>

Sends a file located in <path> to the current friend.

/topic <topic>

Changes current groupchat's name/topic to <topic>. This command can also be used to edit the current topic by typing /topic and pressing the tab key.

/me <action>

Sends an message/action in the format <name> <action>, for example: Tox User says hi


All files listed below are located in $HOME/.config/tox. If µTox is running in portable mode, their location will be ./tox.


tox_save.tox is the file that contains the public/private key pair, name, status and contacts. It's compatible with other Tox clients.


utox_save is µTox' binary config file, it contains settings such as language, proxy options, DPI or logging.


The avatars directory contains other contacts' avatars. Files are named after contacts' public keys (the first 64 characters of the ID).


Default directory for auto-accepted files in portable mode.

[public key].txt

Those are friends' chat logs. µTox supports only 1v1 chat logging for now.

[public key].fmetadata

Friend metadata file, currently used for storing aliases.

[public key][file number].ftoutfo

Current outgoing file transfers' state. Used for resuming transfers across client restarts.


Please see the list page: https://github.com/uTox/uTox/graphs/contributors


Please report bugs on https://github.com/uTox/uTox/issues

The source code for µTox can be found at https://github.com/uTox/uTox


July 2024 µTox 0.18.1