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ustrip - Man Page

strips record length information from a Fortran unformatted file


ustrip [ -x ] [ filename ]


ustrip reads an file created with Fortran's unformatted IO and strips the record size flags which pad each record. This is mainly of use for reading binary data into a C program.

The -x option instructs ustrip to byte swap the record flags, allowing big endian data to be examined on a little endian machine, and vis versa.

The file name may be specified on the command line,  otherwise the data will be read in from the standard input and written to standard output.


The error message

	uread: data larger than file length

often indicates that the file being read has the opposite byte "sex" to the platform uread is being run on. Try using the -x flag to see if this is the case.

See Also

uswap(1), uread(1)


S.E. Norris s.norris@auckland.ac.nz

Referenced By

uread(1), uswap(1).