ursa-major-remove-module - Man Page

manual page for ursa-major remove-module 0.4.2


usage: ursa-major remove-module [-h] [--dry-run] [--debug] [--config PATH]

[--user-config PATH] [--tag-config-file PATH]

[--traceback] --name NAME --stream STREAM [--require NAME:STREAM] [--buildrequire NAME:STREAM] --tag TAG


-h, --help

show this help message and exit


dry run mode


show debug log

--config PATH

config file for ursa-major

--user-config PATH

user config file to use, can override default configurations

--tag-config-file PATH

tag config file, default to "ursa-major.json" in current working directory


Print traceback if something wrong that ursa-major cannot do the job.

--name NAME

module name (required)

--stream STREAM

module stream (required)

--require NAME:STREAM

module runtime dependency in NAME:STREAM

--buildrequire NAME:STREAM

module build dependency in NAME:STREAM, for example platform:f30

--tag TAG

a tag name (required). Specified module config will be removed if tag presents in tag config file and has the module config. The module's koji_tag will also be removed from tag inheritance if it inherits from this tag.


July 2024 ursa-major remove-module 0.4.2