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unu-pad - Man Page

pad along each axis to make a bigger nrrd


unu pad -min,--minimum <pos0 ...> -max,--maximum <pos0 ...> [-b,--boundary <behavior>] [-v,--value <val>] [-i,--input <nin>] [-o,--output <nout>]


Pad along each axis to make a bigger nrrd.


-min <pos0 ...> , --minimum <pos0 ...>

low corner of bounding box.

  • <int> gives 0-based index
  • M, M+<int>, M-<int> give index relative to the last sample on the axis (M==#samples-1).

(1 or more positions)

-max <pos0 ...> , --maximum <pos0 ...>

high corner of bounding box.

  • <int> gives 0-based index
  • M, M+<int>, M-<int> give index relative to the last sample on the axis (M==#samples-1).

(1 or more positions)

-b <behavior> , --boundary <behavior>

How to handle samples beyond the input bounds:

  • pad”: use some specified value
  • bleed”: extend border values outward
  • mirror”: repeated reflections
  • wrap”: wrap-around to other side

default: “bleed

-i <nin> , --input <nin>

input nrrd

-o <nout> , --output <nout>

output nrrd (string); default: “-

See Also


Referenced By


August 2021