unu-jhisto - Man Page

create joint histogram of two or more nrrds


unu jhisto -b,--bin <bins0 bins1 ...> [-w,--weight <nweight>] [-min,--minimum <min0 min1 ...>] [-max,--maximum <max0 max1 ...>] [-t,--type <type>] [-i,--input <nin0 nin1 ...>] [-a,--axis <axis>] [-o,--output <nout>]


Create joint histogram of two or more nrrds. Each axis of the output corresponds to one of the input nrrds, and each bin in the output records the number of corresponding positions in the inputs with a combination of values represented by the coordinates of the bin.


-b <bins0 bins1 ...> , --bin <bins0 bins1 ...>

bins<i> is the number of bins to use along axis i (of joint histogram), which
                      represents the values of nin<i> (2 or more size_ts)

-w <nweight> , --weight <nweight>

how to weigh contributions to joint histogram. By default (not using this option), the increment is one bin count per sample, but by giving a nrrd, the value in the nrrd at the corresponding location will be the bin count increment

-min <min0 min1 ...> , --minimum <min0 min1 ...>

min<i> is the low range of values to be quantized along axis i; use “nan” to represent lowest value present (2 or more doubles)

-max <max0 max1 ...> , --maximum <max0 max1 ...>

max<i> is the high range of values to be quantized along axis i; use “nan” to represent highest value present (2 or more doubles)

-t <type> , --type <type>

type to use for output (the type used to store hit counts in the joint histogram). Clamping is done on hit counts so that they never overflow a fixed-point type; default: “uint

-i <nin0 [nin1] ...> , --input <nin0 [nin1] ...>

list of nrrds (one for each axis of joint histogram), or, single nrrd that will be sliced along specified axis. (1 or more nrrds); default: “-

-o <nout> , --output <nout>

output nrrd (string); default: “-

See Also


Referenced By


August 2021