unu-ccmerge - Man Page

merge CCs with their neighbors, under various constraints


unu ccmerge [-d,--directed <dir>] [-s,--size <max size>] [-n,--neighbor <max # neigh>] -c,--connect <connectivity> [-revalue] [-i,--input <nin>] [-v,--values <values>] [-o,--output <nout>]


Merge CCs with their neighbors, under various constraints. This operates on the output of unu-ccfind(1). Merging of a CC is always done into its largest neighbor. Whether or not to merge can be constrained by one or more of: CC size (“-s”), original CC value being brighter or darker (“-d”), and number of neighbors (“-n”).


-d <dir> , --directed <dir>

do value-driven merging. Using (positive) “1” says that dark islands get merged with bright surrounds, while “-1” says the opposite. By default, merging can go either way. (int); default: “0

-s <max size> , --size <max size>

a cap on the CC size that will be absorbed into its surround. CCs larger than this are deemed too significant to mess with. Or, use “0” to remove any such restriction on merging. (int); default: “0

-n <max # neigh> , --neighbor <max # neigh>

a cap on the number of neighbors that a CC may have if it is to be be merged. “1” allows only islands to be merged, “2” does merging with bigger of two neighbors, etc, while “0” says that number of neighbors is no constraint (int); default: “1

-c <connectivity> , --connect <connectivity>

what kind of connectivity to use: the number of coordinates that vary in order to traverse the neighborhood of a given sample. In 2D: “1”: 4-connected, “2”: 8-connected (unsigned int)


If this option is given, then after the merging, the CCs are re-assigned their original datavalues, as given by the “-v” option

-i <nin> , --input <nin>

input nrrd

-v <values> , --values <values>

result of using unu-ccfind(1) -v, the record of which values were originally associated with each CC. This is required for value-directed merging (with non-zero “-d” option), or if the -revalue option is given, but is not needed otherwise

-o <nout> , --output <nout>

output nrrd (string); default: “-

See Also

unu(1), unu-ccfind(1), unu-ccadj(1), unu-ccsettle(1)

Referenced By

unu(1), unu-ccadj(1), unu-ccfind(1), unu-ccsettle(1).

August 2021