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unu-axinfo - Man Page

modify attributes of one or more axes


unu axinfo -a,--axes <ax0 ax1 ...> [-l,--label <label>] [-u,--units <units>] [-mm,--minmax <min max>] [-sp,--spacing <spacing>] [-c,--center <center>] [-k,--kind <kind>] [-i,--input <nin>] [-o,--output <nout>]


Modify attributes of one or more axes. The only attributes which are set are those for which command-line options are given.


-a <ax0 ax1 ...> , --axes <ax0 ax1 ...>

the one or more axes that should be modified (1 or more unsigned ints)

-l <label> , --label <label>

label to associate with axis (string)

-u <units> , --units <units>

units of measurement (string)

-mm <min max> , --minmax <min max>

units of measurement min and max values along axis ( 2 doubles)

-sp <spacing> , --spacing <spacing>

spacing between samples along axis (double)

-c <center> , --center <center>

axis centering: “cell” or “node”. Not using this option leaves the centering as it is on input (string)

-k <kind> , --kind <kind>

axis kind. Not using this option leaves the kind as it is on input (string)

-i <nin> , --input <nin>

input nrrd

-o <nout> , --output <nout>

output nrrd (string); default: “-

See Also


Referenced By

unu(1), unu-join(1).

August 2021