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tvlsim - Man Page

C++ Interactive Travel Market Simulator


tvlsim [--prefix] [-v|--version] [-h|--help] [-b|--builtin] [-s|--schedule <path-to-schedule-input>] [-l|--log <path-to-output-log-file>]


tvlsim is a small interactive program showing how to use the TvlSim library.

tvlsim accepts the following options:

Show the TvlSim installation prefix.

-v, --version
Print the currently installed version of TvlSim on the standard output.

-h, --help
Produce that message and show usage.

-b, --builtin
The sample BOM tree can be either built-in or parsed from input files. In that latter case, the input files must then be specified as well (e.g., -d/--demand, -s/--schedule, -o/--ond, -f/--fare, -y/--yield). When that option is not selected, the tvlsim program builds a simple use case directly from internal hard-coded parameters (demand distribution details and resource/cabin capacities).

-S, --seed <random-seed>
The seed for the random generation

-r, --runs <nb-of-simulation-runs>
The number of simulation runs

-s, --schedule <path-to-schedule-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CVS) input file specifying the flight schedules.

-o, --ond <path-to-ond-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CVS) input file specifying the O&D definitions

-f, --frat5 <path-to-frat5-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CVS) input file specifying the FRAT5 curve

-D, --ff_disutility <path-to-fare-family-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CVS) input file specifying the fare family (FF) disutility curve

-y, --yield <path-to-yield-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CVS) input file specifying the yields

-f, --fare <path-to-fare-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CVS) input file specifying the fares

-d, --demand <path-to-demand-input-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the (CVS) input file specifying the demand distributions

-l, --log <path-to-output-log-file>
Path (absolute or relative) of the output log file.

-G, --demandgeneration <demand-generation-method>
Method used to generate the demand (i.e., booking requests): Poisson Process (e.g., P) or Statistics Order (e.g., S)

-u, --user <database-user>
SQL database hostname (e.g., tvlsim)

-p, --passwd <database-passwd>
SQL database hostname (e.g., tvlsim)

-H, --host <database-host-name>
SQL database hostname (e.g., localhost)

-P, --port <database-host-port>
SQL database port (e.g., 3306)

-n, --dbname <database-name>
SQL database name (e.g., tvlsim)

-q, --query <travel-query>
Query word list (not used for now)

See the output of the `tvlsim --help' command for default options.

See Also

simulate(1), TvlSimServer(1), tvlsim-config(1), tvlsim-library(3)


Please report any bugs to http://github.com/airsim/tvlsim/issues

Referenced By

tvlsim-config(1), tvlsim-library(3), TvlSimServer(1), tvlsim_simulate(1).