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tuigreet - Man Page

A graphical console greeter for greetd


tuigreet [Options]...


-h,  --help

Show usage and exit.

-v,  --version

Print program version and exit.

-c,  --cmd CMD

Specify which command to run on successful authentication. This can be overriden by manual selection within tuigreet.

-s,  --sessions DIR1[:DIR2]...

Location of desktop-files to be used as session definitions. By default, sessions are fetched from /usr/share/xsessions and /usr/share/wayland-sessions.

-w,  --width COLS

Number of columns the main prompt area should take on the screen.

-i,  --issue

Print the content of /etc/issue at the top of the prompt area.

This option is mutually exclusive with --greeting.

-g,  --greeting GREETING

Specify the text to be displayed at the top of the prompt area.

This option is mutually exclusive with --issue.

-t,  --time

Print the current date and time at the top of the screen.

--time-format FORMAT

Configure a custom strftime-compliant format string for the current date and time.


Allow selecting a user from a graphical menu.


Minimum UID of the users to display in the selection menu.


Maximum UID of the users to display in the selection menu.

-r,  --remember

Remember the username of the last successfully opened session, so the username field will be pre-filled on the next run.


Remember the last selected session, effectively overriding the given --cmd option on subsequent runs.


Remember the last opened session, per user (requires --remember).


Add visual feedback when typing secrets, as one asterisk character for every keystroke. By default, no feedback is given at all.

--asterisks-char CHAR

Change the default feedback character from an asterisk to the provided character.

--window-padding COLS

Add spacing between the edge of the screen area the drawing area.

--container-padding COLS

Add spacing between the border of the main prompt area and its contents.

--prompt-padding ROWS

Add spacing between form fields.

--power-shutdown CMD [ARGS]...

Customize the command run when instructed to shut down the machine. This must be a non-interactive command (sudo cannot prompt for a password, for example).

--power-reboot CMD [ARGS]...

Customize the command run when instructed to reboot the machine. This must be a non-interactive command (sudo cannot prompt for a password, for example).


Do not prefix power commands with setsid, which is used to detach it from current TTY.


Maintained by Antoine POPINEAU <antoine@popineau.eu>.

Contributed to by great people at https://github.com/apognu/tuigreet/graphs/contributors.


Issue reporting and development discussion should happen at https://github.com/apognu/tuigreet.

See Also


