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tsql - Man Page

utility to test FreeTDS connections and queries


tsql{-S servername [-I interface] | -H hostname [-L] [-p port]} [-D dbname] [-U username] [-P password] [-o options]


tsql is a FreeTDS diagnostic tool. It uses the TDS protocol to connect to a Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server, and lets the user issue queries. tsql does not use the FreeTDS client libraries. Instead, it uses only the lowest level library, libtds, to test the protocol implementation.

tsql can be run in two ways, one which uses the freetds.conf and one which connects directly using the server's hostname and port. The -H and -p parameters are provided to let the user verify a server is listening on the named host and port. These parameters override any configuration files and environment variables. The -S parameter can be used to test the local configuration. FreeTDS will use freetds.conf (or equivalent) and environment variables in the normal way to determine the server's IP address and port. You can use -I to specify a filename, overriding FreeTDS's configuration file search algorithm.


-S servername

database server to which to connect.

-D dbname

database to use.

-I interface

freetds.conf or interfaces file describing servername.

-H hostname

DNS hostname of the server.

-p port

port at which SQL Server is listening.

-U username

database login name. If username is not provided, a domain login is attempted for TDS 7+ connections.

-P password

database password.


list Microsoft server instances (with -H).


print some of the compile-time configuration parameters.

-o options

apply the options specified to every command.


No footer [result count]


No header [titles]


Print time


Print version



-a appname

application name.

-t colterm

column terminator.

-r rowterm

row terminator.

-r rowterm

row terminator.

-J charset

character set.


verbose mode.


If you can connect with ‘tsql -S servername’,your basic FreeTDS installation is working.

Typing ‘exit’,‘quit’,or ‘bye’ (or ^D) exits tsql.

Typing ‘version’ displays the TDS protocol version.

Command batches may be separated with ‘go’ or ‘GO’.If ‘GO’ the version string is reported before executing the batch.

After prompting for the password (if not provided with -P), tsql will attempt to connect to the remote server. tsql displays a counter indicating the number of seconds elapsed during the connection attempt. Typically, tsql immediately responds with a ‘1>’ prompt. If you see the counter (1, 2, 3, ...), most likely tsql is unable to connect to the indicated server.

tsql is not a replacement for a complete isql such as sqsh (www.sqsh.org). If you have suggestions for ways to make tsql more useful as a diagnostic tool, please post them to the FreeTDS mailing list for consideration.


tsql first appeared in FreeTDS 0.60.


The tsql utility was written by Brian Bruns.


Several, to be sure, now that it's documented. :)

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March 25, 2015