toolbox-run - Man Page

Run a command in an existing Toolbx container

Examples (TL;DR)


toolbox run [--container NAME | -c NAME]
           [--distro DISTRO | -d DISTRO]
           [--preserve-fds N]
           [--release RELEASE | -r RELEASE]


Runs a command inside an existing Toolbx container. The container should have been created using the toolbox create command.

On Fedora, the default container is known as fedora-toolbox-N, where N is the release of the host. A specific container can be selected using the --container option.

A Toolbx container is an OCI container. Therefore, toolbox run is analogous to a podman start followed by a podman exec.


The following options are understood:


Run command inside a Toolbx container with the given NAME. This is useful when there are multiple Toolbx containers created from the same image, or entirely customized containers created from custom-built images.


Run command inside a Toolbx container for a different operating system DISTRO than the host. Has to be coupled with --release unless the selected DISTRO matches the host system.


Pass down to command N additional file descriptors (in addition to 0, 1, 2). The total number of file descriptors will be 3+N.


Run command inside a Toolbx container for a different operating system RELEASE than the host.

Exit Status

The exit code gives information about why the command within the container failed to run or why it exited.

1 There was an internal error in Toolbx

125 There was an internal error in Podman

126 The run command could not be invoked

$ toolbox run /etc; echo $?
/bin/sh: line 1: /etc: Is a directory
/bin/sh: line 1: exec: /etc: cannot execute: Is a directory
Error: failed to invoke command /etc in container fedora-toolbox-36

127 The run command cannot be found or the working directory does not exist

$ toolbox run foo; echo $?
/bin/sh: line 1: exec: foo: not found
Error: command foo not found in container fedora-toolbox-36

Exit code The run command exit code

$ toolbox run false; echo $?


Run ls inside the default Toolbx container matching the host OS

$ toolbox run ls -la

Run emacs inside the default Toolbx container for Fedora 36

$ toolbox run --distro fedora --release f36 emacs

Run uptime inside a Toolbx container with a custom name

$ toolbox run --container foo uptime

See Also

toolbox(1), podman(1), podman-exec(1), podman-start(1)

Referenced By

toolbox(1), toolbox-enter(1).