toolbox-rmi - Man Page

Remove one or more Toolbx images

Examples (TL;DR)


toolbox rmi [--all | -a] [--force | -f] [IMAGE...]


Removes one or more Toolbx images from the host. The image should have been created using the toolbox create command.

A Toolbx image is an OCI image. Therefore, toolbox rmi can be used interchangeably with podman rmi.


The following options are understood:

--all, ā€‰-a
Remove all Toolbx images. It can be used in conjunction with --force as well.
--force, ā€‰-f
Force the removal of Toolbx images that are used by Toolbx containers. The dependent containers will be removed as well.


Remove a Toolbx image named localhost/fedora-toolbox-gegl:36

$ toolbox rmi localhost/fedora-toolbox-gegl:36

Remove all Toolbx images, but not those that are used by containers

$ toolbox rmi --all

Remove all Toolbx images and their dependent containers

$ toolbox rmi --all --force

See Also

toolbox(1), podman(1), podman-rmi(1)

Referenced By
