tkrzw_dbm_perf - Man Page

manual page for tkrzw_dbm_perf 1.0.31


tkrzw_dbm_perf: Performance checker of DBM implementations of Tkrzw


tkrzw_dbm_perf sequence [options]

: Checks setting/getting/removing performance in sequence.

tkrzw_dbm_perf parallel [options]

: Checks setting/getting/removing performance in parallel.

tkrzw_dbm_perf wicked [options]

: Checks consistency with various operations.

tkrzw_dbm_perf index [options]

: Checks performance of on-memory indexing.

Common options

--dbm impl : The name of a DBM implementation: auto, hash, tree, skip, tiny, baby, cache, stdhash, stdtree, poly, shard. (default: auto)

--iter num : The number of iterations. (default: 10000)

--size num : The size of each record value. (default: 8)

--threads num : The number of threads. (default: 1)

--random_seed num : The random seed or negative for real RNG. (default: 0)

--verbose : Prints verbose reports.

--path path : The path of the file to write or read.

--file impl : The name of a file implementation: std, mmap-para, mmap-atom, pos-para, pos-atom. (default: mmap-para)

--no_wait : Fails if the file is locked by another process.

--no_lock : Omits file locking.

--sync_hard : Synchronizes the file physically when closing.

--alloc_init num : The initial allocation size. (default: 1048576)

--alloc_inc num : The allocation increment factor. (default: 2.0)

--block_size num : The block size of the positional access file. (default: 1)

--direct_io : Enables the direct I/O option of the positional access file.

--sync_io : Enables the synchronous I/O option of the positional access file.

--padding : Enables padding at the end of the file.

--pagecache : Enables the mini page cache in the process.

--ulog str : Sets the prefix of update log files.

Options for the sequence subcommand

--random_key : Uses random keys rather than sequential ones.

--random_value : Uses random length values rather than fixed ones.

--set_only : Does only setting.

--get_only : Does only getting.

--remove_only : Does only removing.

--validate : Validates records.

--copy str : Copies the database file.

Options for the parallel subcommand

--random_key : Uses random keys rather than sequential ones.

--random_value : Uses random length values rather than fixed ones.

--keys : The number of unique keys.

--rebuild : Rebuilds the database occasionally.

--sleep num : The duration to sleep between iterations. (default: 0)

--validate : Validates records.

Options for the wicked subcommand

--iterator : Uses iterators occasionally.

--clear : Clears the database occasionally.

--rebuild : Rebuilds the database occasionally.

--validate : Validates records.

Options for the index subcommand

--type expr : The types of the key and value of the index: file, mem, n2n, n2s, s2n, s2s, str, file. (default: file)

--random_key : Uses random keys rather than sequential ones.

--random_value : Uses random length values rather than fixed ones.

Options for HashDBM

--append : Uses the appending mode rather than the in-place mode.

--record_crc num : The record CRC mode: -1, 0, 8, 16, 32. (default: 0 or -1)

--record_comp str : The record compression mode: default, none, zlib, zstd, lz4, lzma, rc4, aes. (default: none or default)

--offset_width num : The width to represent the offset of records. (default: 4)

--align_pow num : Sets the power to align records. (default: 3)

--buckets num : Sets the number of buckets for hashing. (default: 1048583)

--fbp_cap num : Sets the capacity of the free block pool. (default: 2048)

--min_read_size num : Sets the minimum reading size to read a record. (default: -1)

--cache_buckets : Caches the hash buckets on memory.

--cipher_key str : Sets the encryption key for cipher compressors. (default: empty)

Options for TreeDBM and FileIndex

--append : Uses the appending mode rather than the in-place mode.

--record_crc num : The record CRC mode: -1, 0, 8, 16, 32. (default: 0 or -1)

--record_comp str : The record compression mode: default, none, zlib, zstd, lz4, lzma, rc4, aes. (default: none or default)

--offset_width num : The width to represent the offset of records. (default: 4)

--align_pow num : Sets the power to align records. (default: 10)

--buckets num : Sets the number of buckets for hashing. (default: 131101)

--fbp_cap num : Sets the capacity of the free block pool. (default: 2048)

--min_read_size num : Sets the minimum reading size to read a record. (default: -1)

--cache_buckets : Caches the hash buckets on memory.

--cipher_key str : Sets the encryption key for cipher compressors. (default: empty)

--max_page_size num : Sets the maximum size of a page. (default: 8130)

--max_branches num : Sets the maximum number of branches of inner nodes. (default: 256)

--max_cached_pages num : Sets the maximum number of cached pages. (default: 10000)

--page_update_write : Writes updated pages immediately.

Options for SkipDBM

--offset_width num : The width to represent the offset of records. (default: 4)

--step_unit num : Sets the step unit of the skip list. (default: 4)

--max_level num : Sets the maximum level of the skip list. (default: 14)

--sort_mem_size num : Sets the memory size used for sorting. (default: 268435456)

--insert_in_order : Inserts records in ascending order of the key.

--max_cached_records num : Sets the number of cached records (default: 65536)

--reducer func : Sets the reducer: none, first, second, last, concat, total. (default: none)

Options for TinyDBM and StdHashDBM

--buckets num : Sets the number of buckets for hashing. (default: 1048583)

Options for CacheDBM

--cap_rec_num num : Sets the maximum number of records. (default: 1048576)

--cap_memsize num : Sets the total memory size to use.

Options for PolyDBM and ShardDBM

--params str : Sets the parameters in "key=value,key=value" format.


July 2024 tkrzw_dbm_perf 1.0.31