tiscr - Man Page

take a screen shot of a graphing calculator


tiscr [ options ] [ -o output.pbm ]


tiscr takes a screen shot of a connected TI graphing calculator. Screen shots can be taken at any time when the calculator is turned on and idle (depending on the circumstances, you may not be able to take screen shots while a program is running.)

The output is written in Portable Bitmap format (see pbm(5) if you have the netpbm tools installed.)

Program Options

-o,  --output=filename

Write output to filename (PBM format.)

-A,  --full

Include the entire screen buffer in the output image (including parts that are not shown on the display.)  This only has an effect on the TI-89.

Other Options

-v,  --verbose

Print out details of link operations.


Print out program version information.


Print out program version information.

Environment Variables


Default link cable to use, if the -c option is not specified.


Default calculator model to use, if the -m option is not specified.


Default timeout value in milliseconds.

See Also

tiget(1), tiinfo(1), tikey(1), tils(1), tiput(1), tirm(1)


Benjamin Moody <floppusmaximus@users.sf.net>

Referenced By

tiget(1), tiinfo(1), tikey(1), tils(1), tiput(1), tirm(1).

August 2010 TITools 0.1