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send files to a graphing calculator


tiput [ options ] file ...


tiput sends variable and/or program files to a connected TI graphing calculator.  The files to send may include normal variables and programs, memory backups, Flash applications, and operating systems, in any of the various formats supported by the tifiles2 library.

On newer calculators, tiput will check if the variables already exist and ask whether you want to overwrite them.  Use the -f option to disable this behavior.

On older calculators (the TI-82 and TI-85), you must manually enable link receive mode before sending variables.  The calculator itself will then prompt you to overwrite, skip, or rename any duplicates.

Program Options

-a,  --archive

Send all files to archive (Flash) memory, if supported by the calculator, regardless of their previous state.  (By default, files will be sent to archive if they were previously received from a Flash calculator and are marked as archived.)

-u,  --unarchive

Send all files to RAM, regardless of their previous state.

-f,  --force

Do not check for duplicate variables before sending.  This has no effect on the TI-82 and TI-85.

-C,  --continue

On the TI-82 and TI-85, do not send an “end-of-transmission” command, so the calculator will remain in link receive mode.

Other Options

-v,  --verbose

Print out details of link operations.


Print out program version information.


Print out program version information.

Environment Variables


Default link cable to use, if the -c option is not specified.


Default calculator model to use, if the -m option is not specified.


Default timeout value in milliseconds.

See Also

tiget(1), tiinfo(1), tikey(1), tils(1), tirm(1), tiscr(1)


Benjamin Moody <floppusmaximus@users.sf.net>

Referenced By

tiget(1), tiinfo(1), tikey(1), tils(1), tirm(1), tiscr(1).

August 2010 TITools 0.1