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tilestache-clean - Man Page

clean tiles from a TileStache cache


tilestache-clean [options] zoom...


This manual page documents briefly the tilestache-clean command.

tilestache-clean is used to clean tiles from a TileStache cache.

Cleans a single layer in your TileStache configuration - no images are returned, and TileStache ends up with an empty in selected areas cache. Bounding box is given as a pair of lat/lon coordinates, e.g. "37.788 -122.349 37.833 -122.246". Output is a list of tile paths as they are created.

The zoom option is a space separated list of zoom levels which will be cleaned. e.g. 12 13 14 15 will clean zooms 12 through 15. Many shells allow you to use {a..b} which will expand to a list of numbers a though to b. Required.

Required Options

-c,  --config file

Path to configuration file. Required.

-l,  --layer layer

Layer name from configuration. "ALL" is a special value that will clean all layers in turn. If you have an actual layer named "ALL", use "ALL LAYERS" instead. Required.

-b,  --bbox south west north east

Bounding box in floating point geographic coordinates. Required.


-h,  --help
Show summary of options.
-p,  --padding padding

Extra margin of tiles to add around bounded area. Default value is 0 (no extra tiles).

-e,  --extension extension

Optional file type for rendered tiles. Default value is 'png'.

-f,  --progress-file file

Optional JSON progress file that gets written on each iteration, so you don't have to pay close attention.


Suppress chatty output, --progress-file works well with this.

-i,  --include-path path

Add the following colon-separated list of paths to Python's include path (aka sys.path)

--tile-list file

Optional file of tile coordinates, a simple text list of Z/X/Y coordinates. Overrides --bbox and --padding.

See Also



TileStache was written by Michal Migurski <mike@stamen.com>.

This manual page was written by Andrew Harvey <andrew.harvey4@gmail.com>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others).


Sep 23, 2012