tidy_changelog - Man Page

command-line tool for CPAN::Changes


    $ tidy_changelog Changelog


Takes a changelog file, parse it using CPAN::Changes and prints out the resulting output.  If a file is not given, the program will see if there is one file in the current directory beginning by 'change' (case-insensitive) and, if so, assume it to be the changelog.



If provided, assumes that there is a placeholder header for an upcoming next release. The placeholder token is given via --token.


Regular expression to use to detect the token for an upcoming release if --next is used. If not explicitly given, defaults to \{\{\$NEXT\}\}.


If given, only print out the release header lines, without any of the changes.


Prints the releases in reverse order (from the oldest to latest).


Only check if the changelog is formatted properly using the changes_file_ok function of Test::CPAN::Changes.


This help


2024-07-18 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation