textile - Man Page

Translate Textile markup language to HTML


 # translate a text file to HTML, print to screen
 textile file.txt

 # translate a snippet of text to HTML
 echo "hi there" | textile

 # translate a text file, output to a file
 textile -outfile out.html file.txt

 # translate a text file, output to a legal full HTML file
 # (By default, textile doesn't output <html>, <head> and <body> tags)
 textile -fullpage -outfile out.html file.txt
 # translate a text file, output to a legal full HTML file, add title
 # (-title implies -fullpage)
 textile -title "My <blink>133t</blink> web page" -outfile out.html file.txt


This program uses Brad Choate's Text::Textile module to convert  text in the Textile markup language into HTML. For example, it will convert "_hi_ there" to <p><em>hi</em> there</p>. Textile (developed by Dean Allen of <http://textism.com> lets you quickly write simple (or not so simple) text that (a) can be read as is, and (b) turns into readable HTML.


Amir Karger, akarger@cpan.org

Brad Choate built Text::Textile Dean Allen of Textism.com developed Textile.

See Also

Text::Textile, <http://textism.com>


2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation