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tcpdump_to_db - Man Page

convert tcpdump textual output to fsdb


    tcpdump_to_db [-T] < source.tcpdump > target.fsdb


Converts a tcpdump textual data stream to Fsdb format.

Currently it handles only TCP and silently fails on other traffic! Awaiting enhancement... you're welcome to help.


-t or --daytime

Adjust times relative to the first timestamp. (Defaults on.)

This module also supports the standard fsdb options:


Enable debugging output.

-i or --input InputSource

Read from InputSource, typically a file name, or - for standard input, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

-o or --output OutputDestination

Write to OutputDestination, typically a file name, or - for standard output, or (if in Perl) a IO::Handle, Fsdb::IO or Fsdb::BoundedQueue objects.

--autorun or --noautorun

By default, programs process automatically, but Fsdb::Filter objects in Perl do not run until you invoke the run() method. The --(no)autorun option controls that behavior within Perl.


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Sample Usage


    14:11:12.556781 dash.isi.edu.1023 > excalibur.usc.edu.ssh: S 2306448962:2306448962(0) win 32120 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp 82802652[|tcp]> (DF)
    14:11:12.561734 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh > dash.isi.edu.1023: S 1968320001:1968320001(0) ack 2306448963 win 4096
    14:11:12.561875 dash.isi.edu.1023 > excalibur.usc.edu.ssh: . ack 1 win 32120 (DF)
    14:11:18.746567 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh > dash.isi.edu.1023: P 316:328(12) ack 348 win 4096
    14:11:18.755176 dash.isi.edu.1023 > excalibur.usc.edu.ssh: P 348:488(140) ack 328 win 32696 (DF) [tos 0x10]
    14:11:18.847937 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh > dash.isi.edu.1023: P 328:468(140) ack 488 win 4096
    14:11:18.860047 dash.isi.edu.1023 > excalibur.usc.edu.ssh: . ack 468 win 32696 (DF) [tos 0x10]
    14:11:18.936255 dash.isi.edu.1023 > excalibur.usc.edu.ssh: P 488:516(28) ack 468 win 32696 (DF) [tos 0x10]

or a more modern form

    17:00:14.808855 IP > Flags [S], seq 3236187954, win 21463, length 0




    #fsdb time proto src dest flags start end len ack win
    51072.556781 tcp dash.isi.edu.1023 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh S 2306448962 2306448962 0 - 32120
    51072.561734 tcp excalibur.usc.edu.ssh dash.isi.edu.1023 S 1968320001 1968320001 0 2306448963 4096
    51072.561875 tcp dash.isi.edu.1023 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh . - - - 1 32120
    51078.746567 tcp excalibur.usc.edu.ssh dash.isi.edu.1023 P 316 328 12 348 4096
    51078.755176 tcp dash.isi.edu.1023 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh P 348 488 140 328 32696
    51078.847937 tcp excalibur.usc.edu.ssh dash.isi.edu.1023 P 328 468 140 488 4096
    51078.860047 tcp dash.isi.edu.1023 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh . - - - 468 32696
    51078.936255 tcp dash.isi.edu.1023 excalibur.usc.edu.ssh P 488 516 28 468 32696
    #  | tcpdump_to_db

See Also



2024-07-01 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation