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tab2graph - Man Page

turn tabular data into a graph


  tab2graph [options] file.tab


  -c|--color           Add some color to the output (default is white)
  -d|--directed        Make graph directed (default is not)
  -l|--layout          GraphViz layout; choose from dot, neato, twopi,
                       circo (default), and fdp
  -f|--fields          Restrict to set of fields in first row
  -n|--numbers         Show the numbers (default is not)
  -o|--out             Name of output file (default is STDOUT)
  --format             Output format (default is PNG)
  --fs=x               Use "x" as the field separator (default is tab)
  --rs=x               Use "x" as the record separator (default is newline)

  --help               Show brief help and quit
  --man                Show full documentation


Turns tabular data into a graph using GraphViz.  This may or may not  be useful.

See Also


Ken Youens-Clark <kclark@cpan.org>.


2024-01-25 perl v5.38.2 User Contributed Perl Documentation