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szip - Man Page

manual page for szip 1.0.0


szip 1.0.0 Andrew Gallant <jamslam@gmail.com>

szip compresses and decompresses data in the Snappy format.

szip works similarly to gzip. It takes files as parameters, compresses them to a new file with a .sz extension, and removes the original. File access and modification times are preserved.

Alternatively, data can be sent on stdin and its compressed form will be sent to stdout.

The -d (short for --decompress) flag changes the mode from compression to decompression.

The --raw flag can be used for compressing/decompressing the raw Snappy format. Note that this requires reading the entire input/output into memory. In general, you shouldn't use this flag unless you have a specific need to.


szip [Flags] [paths]


-d,  --decompress

Decompress data (default is compression).

-f,  --force

Force (de)compression even if the corresponding output file already exists.

-h,  --help

Prints help information

-k,  --keep

Keep (don't delete) input files during (de)compression.

-r,  --raw

Use the "raw" Snappy format (no framing).

-V,  --version

Prints version information



A list of file paths to compress (or decompress).


May 2024 szip 1.0.0