strongswan_pki---scep - Man Page

Enroll an X.509 certificate with a SCEP server


pki --scep---url url[--in file] [--dn  distinguished-name] [--san subjectAltName] [--profile profile] [--password password] --ca-cert-enc file --ca-cert-sig file[--cacert file] [--cert file --key file][--cipher cipher] [--digest digest] [--rsa-padding padding] [--interval time] [--maxpolltime time] [--outform encoding] [--debug level]
pki --scep--options file
pki --scep-h | --help


This sub-command of pki(1) sends a PKCS#10 certificate request in an encrypted and signed PKCS#7 container via HTTP to a SCEP server using the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (RFC 8894). After successful authorization which with manual authentication requires periodic polling by the enrollment client, the SCEP server returns an X.509 certificate signed by the CA.

Before the expiry of the current certificate, a new client certificate based on a fresh RSA private key can be requested, using the old certificate and the old key for automatic authentication with the SCEP server.


-h,  --help

Print usage information with a summary of the available options.

-v,  --debug level

Set debug level, default: 1.

-+,  --options file

Read command line options from file.

-u,  --url url

URL of the SCEP server.

-i,  --in file

RSA private key. If not given the key is read from STDIN.

-d,  --dn distinguished-name

Subject distinguished name (DN). Required unless --cert is given.

-a,  --san subjectAltName

subjectAltName extension to include in request. Can be used multiple times.

-P,  --profile profile

Certificate profile name to be included in the certificate request. Can be any UTF8 string. Supported e.g. by the openxpki SCEP server with profiles (pc-client, tls-server, etc.) that are translated into corresponding Extended Key Usage (EKU) flags in the generated X.509 certificate.

-p,  --password password

The challengePassword to include in the certificate request.

-e,  --cacert-enc file

CA or RA certificate for encryption

-s,  --cacert-sig file

CA certificate for signature verification

-C,  --cacert file

Additional CA certificate in the trust chain used for signature verification. Can be used multiple times.

-c,  --cert file

Client certificate to be renewed.

-k,  --key file

Client RSA private key to be replaced.

-E,  --cipher cipher

Cipher used for symmetric encryption. Either aes (the default) or des3.

-g,  --digest digest

Digest to use for signature creation. One of sha256 (the default), sha384, sha512, or sha1.

-R,  --rsa-padding padding

Padding to use for RSA signatures. Either pkcs1 (the default) or pss.

-t,  --interval time

Poll interval in seconds, defaults to 60s.

-m,  --maxpolltime time

Maximum poll time in seconds, defaults to 0 which means unlimited polling.

-f,  --outform encoding

Encoding of the created certificate file. Either der (ASN.1 DER) or pem (Base64 PEM), defaults to der.


To save some typing work the following command line options are stored in a scep.opt file:

--cacert-enc myra.crt
--cacert-sig myca-1.crt
--cacert myca.crt

With the following command, an X.509 certificate signed by the intermediate CA is requested from a SCEP server:

pki --options scep.opt --in moonKey.der --san "" \
    --dn "C=CH, O=strongSec GmbH," > moonCert.der

transaction ID: 4DFCF31CB18A9B5333CCEC6F99CF230E4524E334
  using certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=SCEP RA"
  using trusted intermediate ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Issuing CA"
  using trusted ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Root CA"
  reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 1
  SCEP request pending, polling indefinitely every 60 seconds
  going to sleep for 60 seconds
transaction ID: 4DFCF31CB18A9B5333CCEC6F99CF230E4524E334
  going to sleep for 60 seconds
Issued certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project,"
  serial: 1e:ff:22:7b:6e:d7:4c:c1:8a:06
  using certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project,"
  using trusted intermediate ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Issuing CA"
  using trusted ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Root CA"
  reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 1
Issued certificate is trusted, valid from Aug 22 18:56:23 2022 until Aug 22 18:56:23 2023 (currently valid)

A certificate about to expire can be renewed with the command:

pki --options scep.opt --in moonNewKey.der --san "" \
    --dn "C=CH, O=strongSec GmbH," \
    --cert moonCert.der --key moonKey.der > moonNewCert.der

transaction ID: A9A63D028CC439F68452D125C4DBA025E67DBA95
  using certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=SCEP RA"
  using trusted intermediate ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Issuing CA"
  using trusted ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Root CA"
  reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 1
Issued certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project,"
  serial: 1f:ff:b2:78:43:a2:9d:85:00:38
  using certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project,"
  using trusted intermediate ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Issuing CA"
  using trusted ca certificate "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, CN=strongSwan Root CA"
  reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 1
Issued certificate is trusted, valid from Jul 20 15:05:33 2023 until Jul 20 15:05:33 2024 (currently valid)

See Also



2022-08-22 5.9.14 strongSwan