strongswan_pki---acert - Man Page

Issue an attribute certificate


pki --acert[--in file] [--group membership] --issuerkey file|--issuerkeyid hex --issuercert file[--lifetime hours] [--not-before datetime] [--not-after datetime] [--serial hex] [--digest digest] [--rsa-padding padding] [--outform encoding] [--debug level]
pki --acert--options file
pki --acert-h | --help


This sub-command of pki(1) is used to issue an attribute certificate using an issuer certificate with its private key and the holder certificate.


-h,  --help

Print usage information with a summary of the available options.

-v,  --debug level

Set debug level, default: 1.

-+,  --options file

Read command line options from file.

-i,  --in file

Holder certificate to issue an attribute certificate for. If not given the certificate is read from STDIN.

-m,  --group membership

Group membership the attribute certificate shall certify. The specified group is included as a string. To include multiple groups, the option can be repeated.

-k,  --issuerkey file

Issuer private key file. Either this or --issuerkeyid is required.

-x,  --issuerkeyid hex

Smartcard or TPM issuer private key object handle in hex format with an optional h0x prefix. Either this or --issuerkey is required.

-c,  --issuercert file

Issuer certificate file. Required.

-l,  --lifetime hours

Hours the attribute certificate is valid, default: 24. Ignored if both an absolute start and end time are given.

-F,  --not-before datetime

Absolute time when the validity of the AC begins. The datetime format is defined by the --dateform option.

-T,  --not-after datetime

Absolute time when the validity of the AC ends. The datetime format is defined by the --dateform option.

-D,  --dateform form

strptime(3) format for the --not-before and --not-after options, default: %d.%m.%y %T

-s,  --serial hex

Serial number in hex. It is randomly allocated by default.

-g,  --digest digest

Digest to use for signature creation. One of md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, or sha512. The default is determined based on the type and size of the signature key.

-R,  --rsa-padding padding

Padding to use for RSA signatures. Either pkcs1 or pss, defaults to pkcs1.

-f,  --outform encoding

Encoding of the created certificate file. Either der (ASN.1 DER) or pem (Base64 PEM), defaults to der.


To save repetitive typing, command line options can be stored in files. Lets assume acert.opt contains the following contents:

  --issuercert aacert.der --issuerkey aakey.der --digest sha256 --lifetime 4

Then the following command can be used to issue an attribute certificate based on a holder certificate and the options above:

  pki --acert --options acert.opt --in holder.der --group sales --group finance -f pem

See Also



2014-02-05 5.9.14 strongSwan