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stag-join.pl - Man Page

joins two stag files together based around common key


  stag-join  -w xml country/city_id=capital/capital_id countries.xml capitals.xml

  stag-join  -w itext gene/tax_id=species/tax_id genedb.itext speciesdb.itext


Performs a relational-style INNER JOIN between two stag trees; this effectively merges two files together, based on some kind of ID in the file


-p|parser FORMAT

FORMAT is one of xml, sxpr or itext, or the name of a perl module

xml assumed as default

-w|writer FORMAT

FORMAT is one of xml, sxpr or itext, or the name of a perl module


currently not event based, so may not be memory efficicent. could be easily rewritten to be event based

See Also


This script is a wrapper for the method


Pod Errors

Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

Around line 108:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 118:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'


2024-01-25 perl v5.38.2 User Contributed Perl Documentation