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stackcollapse-xdebug.php - Man Page

manual page for stackcollapse-xdebug.php 1.0


stackcollapse-xdebug.php  collapse php function traces into single lines.

Parses php samples generated by xdebug with xdebug.trace_format = 1 and outputs stacks as single lines, with methods separated by semicolons, and then a space and an occurrence count. For use with flamegraph.pl. See https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.

USAGE: ./stackcollapse-xdebug.php [OPTIONS] infile > outfile

-h --help

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Weight stack counts by duration using the time index in the trace (default)


Invocation counts only. Simply count stacks in the trace and sum duplicates, don't weight by duration.

Example input: For more info on xdebug and generating traces see https://xdebug.org/docs/execution_trace.

Version: 2.0.0RC4-dev TRACE START [2007-05-06 18:29:01] 1    0    0    0.010870    114112    {main}    1    ../trace.php    0 2    1    0    0.032009    114272    str_split    0    ../trace.php    8 2    1    1    0.032073    116632 2    2    0    0.033505    117424    ret_ord    1    ../trace.php    10 3    3    0    0.033531    117584    ord    0    ../trace.php    5 3    3    1    0.033551    117584 ... TRACE END   [2007-05-06 18:29:01]

Example output:

- c {main};str_split 1 {main};ret_ord;ord 6

-t {main} 23381 {main};str_split 64 {main};ret_ord 215 {main};ret_ord;ord 106


April 2024 stackcollapse-xdebug.php 1.0