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sslscan - Man Page

Fast SSL/TLS scanner

Examples (TL;DR)


sslscan [options] [host:port | host]


sslscan queries SSL/TLS services (such as HTTPS) and reports the protocol versions, cipher suites, key exchanges, signature algorithms, and certificates in use.  This helps the user understand which parameters are weak from a security standpoint.

Terminal output is thus colour-coded as follows:

Red Background  NULL cipher (no encryption)
Red             Broken cipher (<= 40 bit), broken protocol (SSLv2 or SSLv3) or broken certificate signing algorithm (MD5)
Yellow          Weak cipher (<= 56 bit or RC4) or weak certificate signing algorithm (SHA-1)
Purple          Anonymous cipher (ADH or AECDH)

sslscan can also output results into an XML file for easy consumption by external programs.



Show summary of options


A file containing a list of hosts to check. Hosts can be supplied with ports (i.e. host:port). One target per line


Use a different hostname for SNI

--ipv4,  -4

Force IPv4 DNS resolution. Default is to try IPv4, and if that fails then fall back to IPv6.

--ipv6,  -6

Force IPv6 DNS resolution. Default is to try IPv4, and if that fails then fall back to IPv6.


Display certificate information.


Don't flag certificates signed with weak algorithms (MD5 and SHA-1) or short (<2048 bit) RSA keys


Show a list of CAs that the server allows for client authentication. Will be blank for IIS/Schannel servers.


Show a complete list of ciphers supported by sslscan


Print the hexadecimal cipher IDs


Show the time taken for each handshake in milliseconds. Note that only a single request is made with each cipher, and that the size of the ClientHello is not constant, so this should not be used for proper benchmarking or performance testing.

You might want to also use --no-cipher-details to make the output a bit clearer.


Only check if SSLv2 is enabled


Only check if SSLv3 is enabled


Only check TLS 1.0 ciphers


Only check TLS 1.1 ciphers


Only check TLS 1.2 ciphers


Only check TLS 1.3 ciphers


Only check TLS ciphers (versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3)


Display OCSP status


A file containing the private key or a PKCS#12 file containing a private key/certificate pair (as produced by MSIE and Netscape)


The password for the private key or PKCS#12 file


A file containing PEM/ASN1 formatted client certificates


Do not scan for supported ciphersuites.


Do not check for TLS Fallback Signaling Cipher Suite Value (fallback)


Do not check for secure TLS renegotiation


Do not check for TLS compression (CRIME)


Do not check for OpenSSL Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160)


Do not enumerate key exchange groups


Do not enumerate signature algorithms


STARTTLS setup for FTP




STARTTLS setup for IRC




STARTTLS setup for POP3




STARTTLS setup for MySQL




STARTTLS setup for PostgreSQL


Perform a server-to-server XMPP connection. Try this if --starttls-xmpp is failing.


Send RDP preamble before starting scan.


Enables workarounds for SSL bugs


Set socket timeout. Useful for hosts that fail to respond to ciphers they don't understand. Default is 3s.


Pause between connections. Useful on STARTTLS SMTP services, or anything else that's performing rate limiting. Default is disabled.


Output results to an XML file. - can be used to mean stdout.


Show version of program


Display verbose output


Hide NIST EC curve name and EDH/RSA key length.


Disable coloured output.


Scan a local HTTPS server

sslscan localhost
sslscan [::1]
sslscan [::1]:443


sslscan was originally written by Ian Ventura-Whiting <fizz@titania.co.uk>.
sslscan was extended by Jacob Appelbaum <jacob@appelbaum.net>.
sslscan was extended by rbsec <robin@rbsec.net>.
This manual page was originally written by Marvin Stark <marv@der-marv.de>.


March 19, 2020