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sq-key-userid-add - Man Page

Add a User ID


sq key userid add [Options] FILE USERID


Add a User ID.

A User ID can contain a name, like `Juliet` or an email address, like `<juliet@example.org>`.  Historically, a name and email address were often combined as a single User ID, like `Juliet <juliet@example.org>`.

`sq userid add` respects the reference time set by the top-level `--time` argument.  It sets the creation time of the User ID's binding signature to the specified time.


Subcommand options

-B, --binary

Emit binary data


Don't reject user IDs that are not in canonical form.  Canonical user IDs are of the form `Name (Comment) <localpart@example.org>`.

-o, --output=FILE

Write to FILE or stdout if omitted

[default: -]


Provide parameters for private key store


Read from FILE or stdin if FILE is '-'


User ID to add

Global options

See sq(1) for a description of the global options.


First, generate a key:

    sq key generate --userid '<juliet@example.org>' \
    --output juliet.key.pgp

Then, add a User ID:

    sq key userid add --userid Juliet juliet.key.pgp \
    --output juliet-new.key.pgp

Or, add a User ID whose creation time is set to June 28, 2022 at midnight UTC:

    sq key userid add --userid Juliet --creation-time 20210628 \
    juliet.key.pgp --output juliet-new.key.pgp

See Also

sq(1), sq-key(1), sq-key-userid(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


0.35.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.20.0)

Referenced By


0.35.0 Sequoia PGP