sq-cert-lint - Man Page

Check certificates for issues


sq cert lint [Options]  


Check certificates for issues.

`sq cert lint` checks the supplied certificates for the following SHA-1-related issues:

 - Whether a certificate revocation uses SHA-1.

 - Whether the current self signature for a non-revoked User ID uses

 - Whether the current subkey binding signature for a non-revoked,
   live subkey uses SHA-1.

 - Whether a primary key binding signature ("backsig") for a
   non-revoked, live subkey uses SHA-1.

Diagnostics are printed to stderr.  At the end, some statistics are shown.  This is useful when examining a keyring.  If `--fix` is specified and at least one issue could be fixed, the fixed certificates are printed to stdout.

This tool does not currently support smart cards.  But, if only the subkeys are on a smart card, this tool may still be able to partially repair the certificate.  In particular, it will be able to fix any issues with User ID self signatures and subkey binding signatures for encryption-capable subkeys, but it will not be able to generate new primary key binding signatures for any signing-capable subkeys.


Subcommand options


Emit binary data


Lint the specified certificate


Lint the certificates in the specified file


When fixing a certificate, the fixed certificate is exported without any secret key material.  Using this switch causes any secret key material to also be exported


Attempts to fix certificates, when possible


If set, outputs a list of fingerprints, one per line, of certificates that have issues.  This output is intended for use by scripts.

This option implies `--quiet`. If you also specify `--fix`, errors will still be printed to stderr, and fixed certificates will still be emitted to stdout.


Write to the specified FILE.  If not specified, and the certificate was read from the certificate store, imports the modified certificate into the cert store.  If not specified, and the certificate was read from a file, writes the modified certificate to stdout.


Quiet; does not output any diagnostics

Global options

See sq(1) for a description of the global options.

Exit Status

If `--fix` is not specified:
 2  if any issues were found,
 1  if not issues were found, but there were errors reading the input,
 0  if there were no issues.

If `--fix` is specified:
 3  if any issues could not be fixed,
 1  if not issues were found, but there were errors reading the input,
 0  if all issues were fixed or there were no issues.


To gather statistics, simply run:

    sq cert lint keyring.pgp

To fix a key:

    gpg --export-secret-keys FPR \
    | sq cert lint --fix -p passw0rd -p password123 \

| gpg --import

To get a list of keys with issues:

    sq cert lint --list-keys keyring.pgp \
    | while read FPR; do something; done

See Also

sq(1), sq-cert(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


0.38.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.21.2)

Referenced By


0.38.0 Sequoia PGP