sq-cert - Man Page

Manage certificates


sq cert import [OPTIONS] FILE
sq cert export [OPTIONS] QUERY
sq cert lint [OPTIONS]  


Manage certificates.

We use the term "certificate", or "cert" for short, to refer to OpenPGP keys that do not contain secrets.  This subcommand provides primitives to generate and otherwise manipulate certs.

Conversely, we use the term "key" to refer to OpenPGP keys that do contain secrets.  See `sq key` for operations on keys.


sq cert import

Import certificates into the local certificate store.

sq cert export

Export certificates from the local certificate store.

If multiple predicates are specified a certificate is returned if at least one of them matches.

This does not check the authenticity of the certificates in anyway. Before using the certificates, be sure to validate and authenticate them.

When matching on subkeys or User IDs, the component must have a valid self signature according to the policy.

Fails if search criteria are specified and none of them matches any certificates.  Note: this means if the certificate store is empty and no search criteria are specified, then this will return success.

sq cert lint

Check certificates for issues.

`sq cert lint` checks the supplied certificates for the following SHA-1-related issues:

 - Whether a certificate revocation uses SHA-1.

 - Whether the current self signature for a non-revoked User ID uses

 - Whether the current subkey binding signature for a non-revoked,
   live subkey uses SHA-1.

 - Whether a primary key binding signature ("backsig") for a
   non-revoked, live subkey uses SHA-1.

Diagnostics are printed to stderr.  At the end, some statistics are shown.  This is useful when examining a keyring.  If `--fix` is specified and at least one issue could be fixed, the fixed certificates are printed to stdout.

This tool does not currently support smart cards.  But, if only the subkeys are on a smart card, this tool may still be able to partially repair the certificate.  In particular, it will be able to fix any issues with User ID self signatures and subkey binding signatures for encryption-capable subkeys, but it will not be able to generate new primary key binding signatures for any signing-capable subkeys.


sq cert import

Import a certificate.

    sq cert import juliet.pgp

sq cert export

Export all certificates.

    sq cert export --all

Export certificates with a matching User ID packet.  The binding signatures are checked, but the User IDs are not authenticated. Note: this check is case sensitive.

    sq cert export --userid "Alice <alice@example.org>"

Export certificates with a User ID containing the email address. The binding signatures are checked, but the User IDs are not authenticated. Note: this check is case insensitive.

    sq cert export --email alice@example.org

Export certificates where a certificate's primary key or a subkey has the specified Key ID.

    sq cert export --cert 6F0073F60FD0CBF0

Export certificates that contain a User ID with *either* (not both!) email address.  Note: this check is case insensitive.

    sq cert export --email alice@example.org --email \

sq cert lint

To gather statistics, simply run:

    sq cert lint keyring.pgp

To fix a key:

    gpg --export-secret-keys FPR \
    | sq cert lint --fix -p passw0rd -p password123 \

| gpg --import

To get a list of keys with issues:

    sq cert lint --list-keys keyring.pgp \
    | while read FPR; do something; done

See Also

sq(1), sq-cert-import(1), sq-cert-export(1), sq-cert-lint(1).

For the full documentation see <https://book.sequoia-pgp.org>.


0.38.0 (sequoia-openpgp 1.21.2)

Referenced By

sq(1), sq-cert-export(1), sq-cert-import(1), sq-cert-lint(1).

0.38.0 Sequoia PGP