sphinx-autobuild - Man Page

Autobuild a Sphinx directory when a change is detected


usage: sphinx-autobuild [OPTIONS] SOURCEDIR OUTPUTDIR [FILENAMES...]

positional arguments


path to documentation source files


path to output directory


(optional) a list of specific files to rebuild. Ignored if --write-all is specified


-h,  --help

show this help message and exit


show program's version number and exit

general options

--builder,  -b BUILDER

builder to use (default: 'html')

--jobs,  -j N

run in parallel with N processes, when possible. 'auto' uses the number of CPU cores

--write-all,  -a

write all files (default: only write new and changed files)

--fresh-env,  -E

don't use a saved environment, always read all files

path options

--doctree-dir,  -d PATH

directory for doctree and environment files (default: OUTPUT_DIR/.doctrees)

--conf-dir,  -c PATH

directory for the configuration file (conf.py) (default: SOURCE_DIR)

build configuration options

--isolated,  -C

use no configuration file, only use settings from -D options

--define,  -D setting=value

override a setting in configuration file

--html-define,  -A name=value

pass a value into HTML templates

--tag,  -t TAG

define tag: include "only" blocks with TAG

--nitpicky,  -n

nit-picky mode: warn about all missing references

console output options

--verbose,  -v

increase verbosity (can be repeated)

--quiet,  -q

no output on stdout, just warnings on stderr

--silent,  -Q

no output at all, not even warnings


do emit colored output (default: auto-detect)

--no-color,  -N

do not emit colored output (default: auto-detect)

warning control options

--warning-file,  -w FILE

write warnings (and errors) to given file

--fail-on-warning,  -W

turn warnings into errors


with --fail-on-warning, keep going when getting warnings

--show-traceback,  -T

show full traceback on exception

--pdb,  -P

run Pdb on exception

autobuild options

--port PORT

port to serve documentation on. 0 means find and use a free port

--host HOST

hostname to serve documentation on

--re-ignore RE_IGNORE

regular expression for files to ignore, when watching for changes

--ignore IGNORE

glob expression for files to ignore, when watching for changes


skip the initial build


open the browser after building documentation

--delay DELAY

how long to wait before opening the browser

--watch DIR

additional directories to watch

--pre-build COMMAND

additional command(s) to run prior to building the documentation


October 2024 sphinx-autobuild 2024.10.03