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rss-glx-lattice - Man Page

linked rings.


lattice [--root/-r] [--maxfps/-x number] [--vsync/-y number] [--dpms/-M number] [--preset/-p number] [--longitude/-l number] [--latitude/-L number] [--thick/-t number] [--density/-d number] [--drawdepth/-D number] [--fov/-o number] [--pathrand/-P number] [--speed/-e number] [--texture/-T number] [--smooth/-s] [--no-smooth/-S] [--fog/-f] [--no-fog/-F]


From Terry Walsh (http://reallyslick.com): "Fly through an endless world of linked rings. You can choose from several different textures for the rings and alter the comlexity of the lattice structure."

Ported to Linux by Tugrul Galatali.



Draw on the root window.

--maxfps number

Set maximum frame rate.

--vsync number

Limit redraws to specified number of vertical refreshes.  0 - 100.  Default: 1

--dpms number

Stop rendering new frames if the display is not on.  0 - 1.  Default: 1

--preset number
1 - Regular (--regular)
2 - Chainmail (--chainmail)
3 - Brass Mesh (--brassmesh)
4 - Computer (--computer)
5 - Slick (--slick)
6 - Tasty (--tasty)

Presets that override all options that come before it on the command line.  1 - 6.  Default: 1

--longitude number

Longitudinal divisions of tori.  4 - 100.  Default: 16

--latitude number

Latitudinal divisions of tori.  2 - 100.  Default: 8

--thick number

Thickness of tori.  1 - 100.  Default: 50

--density number

Density.  1 - 100.  Default: 50

--drawdepth number

Depth.  1 - 8.   Default: 4

--fov number

Field of view.  10 - 150.   Default: 90

--pathrand number

Randomness of camera path.  1 - 10.   Default: 7

--speed number

Speed.  1 - 100.   Default: 10

--texture number
0 - None
1 - Industrial (--industrial)
2 - Crystal (--crystal)
3 - Chrome (--chrome)
4 - Brass (--brass)
5 - Shiny (--shiny)
6 - Ghostly (--ghostly)
7 - Circuits (--circuits)
8 - Doughnuts (--doughnuts)
9 - random

Default: 0


Smooth surfaces.


Enable fog.



to get the default host and display number.

See Also



Terry Walsh and Tugrul Galatali <tugrul@galatali.com>


X Version 11