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rss-glx-hyperspace - Man Page

Flying through hyper space.


hyperspace [--root/-r] [--maxfps/-x number] [--vsync/-y number] [--dpms/-M number] [--speed/-s number] [--stars/-S number] [--starsize/-t number] [--resolution/-R number] [--depth/-d number] [--fov/-f number] [--no-shader/-H]


From Terry Walsh (http://reallyslick.com): "This is a real number cruncher of a screensaver. Computers are getting much more powerful these days, and my old savers don't bring them to their knees like they used to. This one does. Of course, you can still turn the settings way down if you have a pathetic, old computer."

Ported to Linux by Tugrul Galatali.



Draw on the root window.

--maxfps number

Set maximum frame rate.

--vsync number

Limit redraws to specified number of vertical refreshes.  0 - 100.  Default: 1

--dpms number

Stop rendering new frames if the display is not on.  0 - 1.  Default: 1

--speed number

Speed of fly through.  1 - 100.  Default: 10

--stars number

Number of stars.  0 - 10000.  Default: 1000

--starsize number

Size of stars.  1 - 100.  Default: 10

--resolution number

Resolution of the goo.  4 - 20.  Default: 10

--depth number

Depth of the scene.  1 - 10.  Default: 5

--fov number

Field of view.  10 - 150.  Default: 10


Disables use of vertex/fragment shaders, in case they do not work as expected.



to get the default host and display number.

See Also



Terry Walsh and Tugrul Galatali <tugrul@galatali.com>


X Version 11