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rsgain - Man Page

ReplayGain 2.0 loudness normalizer


rsgain [Options] <command> ...


rsgain (really simple gain) is a ReplayGain 2.0 command-line utility.

It applies loudness metadata tags to audio and video files while leaving the audio stream untouched.

A ReplayGain-compatible player will dynamically adjust the volume of your tagged files during playback.

rsgain supports writing tags to the following file types:
 - AIFF (.aiff, .aif, .snd)
 - APE (.ape)
 - FLAC (.flac)
 - MP2 (.mp2)
 - MP3 (.mp3)
 - MP4 (.m4a)
 - Musepack (.mpc)
 - Ogg (.ogg, .oga, .spx)
 - Opus (.opus)
 - TAK (.tak)
 - WAV (.wav)
 - WavPack (.wv)
 - WMA (.wma).

Options and Commands

-h, --help

Show help.

-v, --version

Show version number.


Easy Mode:
Recursively scan a directory with recommended settings.


Custom Mode:
Scan individual files with custom settings.

Run rsgain easy --help or rsgain custom --help for more information.

Easy Mode

Usage: rsgain easy [Options] DIRECTORY

Easy Mode recursively scans a directory using the recommended settings for each file type.

Easy Mode assumes that you have your music library organized with each album in its own folder.


-h,  --help

Show help.

-q,  --quiet

Don't print scanning status messages.

-S,  --skip-existing

Don't scan files with existing ReplayGain information.

-m n, --multithread=n

Scan files with n parallel threads.

-p s, --preset=s

Load scan preset s.

-O,  --output

Output tab-delimited scan data to CSV file per directory.

-O s, --output=s

Output with sep header (needed for Microsoft Excel compatibility).

-O a, --output=a

Output with files sorted in alphanumeric order.

Custom Mode

Usage: rsgain custom [Options] FILES...

Custom Mode allows the user to specify the options to scan files with.

The list of files to scan must be listed explicitly after the options.


-h, --help

Show help.

-a, --album

Calculate album gain and peak.

-S, --skip-existing

Don't scan files with existing ReplayGain information.

-s s, --tagmode=s

Scan files but don't write ReplayGain tags (default).

-s d, --tagmode=d

Delete ReplayGain tags from files.

-s i, --tagmode=i

Scan and write ReplayGain 2.0 tags to files.

-l n, --loudness=n

Use n LUFS as target loudness (-30 ≤ n ≤ -5).

-c n, --clip-mode=n

No clipping protection (default).

-c p, --clip-mode=p

Clipping protection enabled for positive-gain values only.

-c a, --clip-mode=a

Clipping protection always enabled.

-m n, --max-peak=n

Use max peak level n dB for clipping protection.

-t, --true-peak

Use true peak for peak calculations.

-L, --lowercase

Write lowercase tags (MP2/MP3/MP4/WMA/WAV/AIFF).
This is non-standard but sometimes needed.

-I keep, --id3v2-version=keep

Keep file's existing ID3v2 version, 3 if none exists (default).

-I 3, --id3v2-version=3

Write ID3v2.3 tags to MP2/MP3/WAV/AIFF.

-I 4, --id3v2-version=4

Write ID3v2.4 tags to MP2/MP3/WAV/AIFF.

-o d, --opus-mode=d

Write standard ReplayGain tags, clear header output gain (default).

-o r, --opus-mode=r

Write R128_*_GAIN tags, clear header output gain.

-o s, --opus-mode=s

Same as 'r', plus override target loudness to -23 LUFS.

-o t, --opus-mode=t

Write track gain to header output gain.

-o a, --opus-mode=a

Write album gain to header output gain.

-O, --output

Output tab-delimited scan data to stdout.

-O s, --output=s

Output with sep header (needed for Microsoft Excel compatibility).

-O a, --output=a

Output with files sorted in alphanumeric order.

-p, --preserve-mtimes

Preserve file mtimes.

-q, --quiet

Don't print scanning status messages.


rsgain is maintained on GitHub. Please report all bugs to the issue tracker at https://github.com/complexlogic/rsgain/issues.


October 2023