rrdlast - Man Page

Return the date of the last data sample in an RRD


rrdtool last filename [--daemon|-d address]


The last function returns the UNIX timestamp of the most recent update of the RRD.


The name of the RRD that contains the data.

--daemon|-d address

Address of the rrdcached daemon. If specified, a flush command is sent to the server before reading the RRD files. This allows rrdtool to return fresh data even if the daemon is configured to cache values for a long time. For a list of accepted formats, see the -l option in the rrdcached manual.

 rrdtool last --daemon unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock /var/lib/rrd/foo.rrd

Environment Variables

The following environment variables may be used to change the behavior of rrdtool last:


If this environment variable is set it will have the same effect as specifying the --daemon option on the command line. If both are present, the command line argument takes precedence.


Russ Wright <rwwright@home.com> Daemon support added by Steve Shipway <steve@steveshipway.org>

Referenced By


2024-07-29 1.9.0 rrdtool